the name meme

Thinking is for suckers, yo. Plus, it’s Friday. Almost. And I is taahhrd. So I made up a little meme thingy.

Finish the name however you want — with whoever comes into your mind first. Person can be from life or fiction, but not made up by vous, ustedes, or y’all. (Why? Because I’m a despot.) Copy and paste into the comment section. Don’t read anyone else’s answers until you’re done. Let’s see if great minds think alike. And also if they don’t cheat. 😉

1. Henry

2. Robert

3. Elizabeth

4. Tommy

5. John

6. Katie

7. Norma

8. Joan

9. Christopher

10. William

11. Rebecca

12. Edith

13. Patrick

14. Mount

15. Lake

16. Marie

17. Leonard

18. Dr.

19. Princess

20. Saint

36 Replies to “the name meme”

  1. 1. Henry Kissinger

    2. Robert Fulton

    3. Elizabeth Montgomery

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John Lennon

    6. Katie Couric

    7. Norma Zimmer

    8. Joan of Ark

    9. Christopher Wren

    10. William Shatner

    11. Rebecca St James

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Swayzie

    14. Mount Rushmore

    15. Lake Louise

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Bernstein

    18. Dr. Strangelove

    19. Princess Dianna

    20. Saint Elmo

    Please don’t take off for spelling 🙂

  2. 1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    2. Robert Lewis Stevenson

    3. Elizabeth Taylor

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John McCain

    6. Katie Couric

    7. Norma Rae

    8. Joan of Arc

    9. Christopher Plummer

    10. William Wallace

    11. Rebecca St James

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Swayze

    14. Mount Rushmore

    15. Lake Tahoe

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Nimoy

    18. Dr. Strangelove

    19. Princess Diana

    20. Saint Peter

  3. 1. Henry david thoreau

    2. Robert Kennedy

    3. Elizabeth Perkins

    4. Tommy Le Jones

    5. John Patrick

    6. Katie Couric (eeew)

    7. Norma Jean

    8. Joan d’Arc

    9. Christopher Columbus

    10. William Shakespeare

    11. Rebecca of Sunny Farms

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Swayze

    14. Mount of olives

    15. Lake placid

    16. Marie Curie

    17. Leonard Nimoy

    18. Dr. Jekyll

    19. Princess Di

    20. Saint Peter

  4. 1. Henry VIII

    2. Robert Shaw

    3. Elizabeth Montgomery

    4. Tommy Cole

    5. John Little

    6. Katie Couric

    7. Norma Jean

    8. Joan Rivers

    9. Christopher Plummer

    10. William H. Macy

    11. Rebecca Love

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick McGoohan

    14. Mount Marapi

    15. Lake Tung Ting

    16. Marie Claire

    17. Leonard Hendricks

    18. Dr. Doom

    19. Princess Leia

    20. Saint George

  5. 1. Henry Fool

    2. Robert Jordan

    3. Elizabeth Taylor

    4. Tommy Two-Tone

    5. John Travolta

    6. Katie Couric

    7. Norma Jean

    8. Joan of Arc

    9. Christopher Guest

    10. William Shatner

    11. Rebecca DeMornay

    12. Edith Head

    13. Patrick Stewart

    14. Mount Olympus

    15. Lake Eerie

    16. Marie Curie

    17. Leonard Nemoy

    18. Dr. Spock

    19. Princess Margaret

    20. Saint Francis

  6. 1. Henry – The VIII, I am, Iam
    2. Robert – Livingston
    3. Elizabeth – Montgomery
    4. Tommy – Sure could play a mean pinball
    5. John – Wayne, of course
    6. Katie – Well the only thing that comes to mind is Holmes no matter how much I don’t want it to.
    7. Norma – Jean, of course
    8. Joan – Cusack
    9. Christopher – Walken
    10. William – Kaluta
    11. Rebecca – She probably shouldn’t have married that rich dude
    12. Edith – Head
    13. Patrick – Stewart … make it so
    14. Mount – Suribachi
    15. Lake – Placid
    16. Marie – Curie
    17. Leonard – Nemoy
    18. Dr. – Who!
    19. Princess – Bride
    20. Saint, The – Rorger Moore

  7. 1. Henry II
    2. Robert Frost
    3. Elizabeth Taylor
    4. Tommy Tune
    5. John Paul II
    6. Katie Johnson
    7. Norma Shearer
    8. Joan of Arc
    9. Christopher Wren
    10. William F. Buckley
    11. Rebecca Eaton
    12. Edith Head
    13. Patrick Stewart
    14. Mount Rushmore
    15. Lake Travis
    16. Marie Curie
    17. Leonard Bernstein
    18. Dr.Pepper
    19. Princess Aurora
    20. Saint Vincent de Paul

  8. 1. Henry JAMES

    2. Robert REDFORD

    3. Elizabeth MONTGOMERY

    4. Tommy LEE JONES

    5. John TRAVOLTA

    6. Katie COURIC

    7. Norma JEAN

    8. Joan CRAWFORD

    9. Christopher LOWELL

    10. William MACY

    11. Rebecca LYNN HOWARD

    12. Edith HEAD

    13. Patrick DEMPSEY

    14. Mount OLYMPUS

    15. Lake PRINCE

    16. Marie OSMOND

    17. Leonard COHEN

    18. Dr. PEPPER

    19. Princess LEIA

    20. Saint FRANCIS

  9. 1. Henry Ford
    2. Robert Redford
    3. Elizabeth Taylor
    4. Tommy Lee Jones
    5. John Bonham
    6. Katie Couric
    7. Norma Jean
    8. Joan Crawford
    9. Christopher Walken
    10. William F. Buckley
    11. Rebecca St. James
    12. Edith Bunker
    13. Patrick Dempsey
    14. Mount Hood
    15. Lake Michigan
    16. Marie Antoinette
    17. Leonard Skyner
    18. Dr. Phil
    19. Princess Diana
    20. Saint Teresa

  10. 1. Henry Higgins

    2. Robert Wagner

    3. Elizabeth Taylor

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John Jacob Jingle heimer smith

    6. Katie Holmes

    7. Norma Rae

    8. Joan of Arc

    9. Christopher Guest

    10. William F. Buckley

    11. Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm

    12. Edith Head

    13. Patrick Swazy

    14. Mount Olympus

    15. Lake Dillon

    16. Marie Osmond

    17. Leonard Nemoy

    18. Dr.Zhivago

    19. Princess Diana

    20. Saint Peter

  11. 1. Henry Ford

    2. Robert Kennedy

    3. Elizabeth Taylor

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John Kennedy

    6. Katie Holmes

    7. Norma Jean

    8. Joan Collins

    9. Christopher Walken

    10. William Defoe

    11. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms

    12. Edith Wharton

    13. Patrick Henry

    14. Mount Carmel

    15. Lake Huron

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Nemoy

    18. Dr. Strangelove

    19. Princess Diana

    20. Saint Francis

  12. This is fun to see the similarities and differences between all your answers. Katie Couric must be expunged, though, from our collective psyches.

    Chick Voice — /John Jacob Jingle heimer smith/ Hahahahaha!!

  13. Cullen — Yours went into moderation — sorry! I love how you’re explaning/expounding on yours. And how you call yourself out as a geek. hee hee hee.

    /Rebecca – She probably shouldn’t have married that rich dude/


  14. 1. Henry IIX

    2. Robert Redford

    3. Elizabeth Bennet

    4. Tommy Rot (i couldn’t think of any real person)

    5. John Doe

    6. Katie Holmes

    7. Norma Shearer

    8. Joan of Arc

    9. Christopher Plummer

    10. William F. Buckley

    11. Rebecca de Winter

    12. Edith Wharton

    13. Patrick Malahide

    14. Mount Vesuvius

    15. Lake Champlain

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Leiss (character from Ngaio Marsh novel)

    18. Dr. Laura A. Smit

    19. Princess Katharine of Aragon

    20. Saint Francis of Assisi

  15. Henry Ford

    Robert Redford

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Tommy John

    John Black

    Katie J (me!)

    Norma Jean

    Joan Warren

    Christopher Columbus

    William H. Macy

    Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

    Edith Pfeffer

    Patrick Dempsey

    Mount of Olives

    Lake Superior

    Marie Osmond

    Leonard Cohen

    Princess Diana

    Saint Teresa of Avila

  16. 1. Henry Thoreau

    2. Robert E Lee

    3. Elizabeth III

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John Bonham

    6. Katie Jeffs

    7. Norma Jean

    8. Joan of Ark

    9. Christopher Columbus

    10. William Jefferson Clinton

    11. Rebecca Romain

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Henry

    14. Mount Hood

    15. Lake Oswego

    16. Marie Antionette

    17. Leonard McCoy

    18. Dr. Spock

    19. Princess Buttercup

    20. Saint Bernard

  17. 1. Henry Ford [what? that’s the first thing that popped into my head? Was Ford’s name even Henry? I don’t even know!]
    2. Robert Goulet [again, what the heck?]
    3. Elizabeth Webber [haha, she’s from General Hospital]
    4. Tommy from Beauty and the Geek [ahem]
    5. John Denver [WHO AM I?]
    6. Katie Holmes [I’m officially ashamed to be me.]
    7. Norma Jean [I don’t know which one, actually. Just Norma Jean.]
    8. Joan Cusack
    9. Christopher Walken
    10. William Tell [haha! an overture!]
    11. Rebecca DeMornay [is she even still alive?]
    12. Edith Sunshine Last Name [my dead maternal grandmother]
    13. Patrick Drake [another GH character. I’m morally bankrupt.]
    14. Mount Sinai! [saved by the Bible!]
    15. Lake Pontchartrain [I don’t even know where that is or how to spell it.]
    16. Marie Osmond [just kill me]
    17. Leonard Nimoy [I never even watched Star Trek]
    18. Dr. Scorpio [um, also GH
    19. Princess Buttercup
    20. Saint Lucia [is that an island?]

  18. sarahk — You’re killing me!!

    /William Tell [haha! an overture!]/

    /Mount Sinai! [saved by the Bible!]/


    I think you’re good on Henry Ford there. And don’t feel bad about knowing Robert Goulet — my parents played his records incessantly at Christmas. I am scarred.

    Marshymallow — /Tommy Rot/ I love that! hahahaha. And “Henry IIX.” A new twist.

  19. 1. Henry the Eighth
    2. Robert Browning
    3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    4. Tommy Conwell
    5. John (my boss John)
    6. Katie P (me!)
    7. Norma Rae
    8. Joan Baez
    9. Christopher Walken
    10. William Holden
    11. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (although I was trying to remember what the last name was for the one who married the rich dude in the book, like Cullen)
    12. Edith Head
    13. Patrick from Spongebob
    14. Mount Ranier
    15. Lake Como
    16. Marie Antoinette
    17. Leonard Maltin
    18. Dr. A (the doctor I saw on Tuesday)
    19. Princess Sparkle
    20. Saint Therese

    I now see that the other Katie and I did the same thing. (You don’t like being associated w/Katie Couric either, do you?)

  20. Kate P — I regret to inform you it was worse than you think. Your comment went into my spam box. You were right next to a spam about p*nis pills. My deep condolences. But I found you! And lifted you from the rabble!

    I am a hero.

    (You know, I’m getting really bugged about those p*nis pill spams. My p*nis is fine, thanks.)

    I think Rebecca from “Rebecca”‘s (??) last name was de Winter, was it not? I think someone mentioned that. Lemme check your lists. Yeah. Marshymallow said Rebecca de Winter! Wasn’t it Max and Rebecca de Winter?

    Mount Rainier! YAY! One of my favorite places! Lake Como where my next husband George Clooney has a house!

  21. 1. Henry Winkler
    2. Robert Conner
    3. Elizabeth Montgomery (I so wanted to be a witch when I was a kid!)
    4. Tommy Lee Jones
    5. John Jacob Jingle Heimerschmidt
    6. Katie Couric
    7. Norma Jean
    8. Joan Crawford
    9. Christopher Walkin
    10. William Penn
    11. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (This is seriously what came to mind first, but I almost cheated and went with my second, Rebecca De Mornay — Risky Business was the best movie ever when I was in junior high.)
    12. Edith Wharton
    13. Patrick Stewart
    14. Mount McKinley
    15. Lake Erie
    16. Marie Curie (I’m a scientist- what can I say?)
    17. Leonard Boswell (our Congressman – can’t stand the guy.)
    18. Dr. Who
    19. Princess Diana
    20. Saint Petersburg

    I just read the other entries. I can’t believe I’m not the only one who thought of John Jacob Jingle Heimerschmidt and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. You guys are the bomb!

  22. I reread my list and thought, “Who is Robert Conner?” I googled Robert Conner, and no one came up that I knew. I googled Robert Conrad, and looked at him in imdb and drew a blank. Finally I realized the picture in my head was Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers in Hart to Hart. Hahahaha I guess in my imagination, Robert Wagner’s real name is Robert Conner.

  23. My comment was next to whaaaat? Oh, ew! (As Princess Sparkle’s owner would say.) Good thing I’m already taking antibiotics this week.

    Other than the skanky spam, this was fun!

  24. 1. Henry Adams (Education of…)

    2. Robert Stack

    3. Elizabeth Taylor

    4. Tommy Lee Jones

    5. John Lennon

    6. Katie (Ugh. The only ones I can think of here are Holmes and Couric and both of them bug me)

    7. Norma Shearer (yes, I watch a lot of TCM)

    8. Joan Fontayne (not sure I’ve spelled that right)

    9. Christopher Robin

    10. William of Orange

    11. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Leahy

    14. Mount Rushmore

    15. Lake Erie

    16. Marie Curie

    17. Leonard Malkin

    18. Dr. Phil

    19. Princess Leia

    20. Saint Jerome (Where that came from, I have no idea…)

  25. 1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    2. Robert Frost
    3. Elizabeth Browning
    4. Tommy John
    5. John Kyle
    6. Katie Holmes
    7. Norma Jean
    8. Joan Crawford
    9. Christopher Lambert
    10. William Shatner
    11. Rebecca Mornay
    12. Edith Piaf
    13. Patrick Stewart
    14. Mount Carmel
    15. Lake Geneva
    16. Marie Antoinette
    17. Leonard Nimoy
    18. Dr. Seuss
    19. Princess Diana
    20. Saint Sebastian

  26. 1. Henry Higgins

    2. Robert Browning

    3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    4. Tommy Bahama

    5. John Updike

    6. Katie Holmes

    7. Norma Jean Baker

    8. Joan of Arc

    9. Christopher Knight

    10. William Tell

    11. Rebecca De Mornay

    12. Edith Wharton

    13. Patrick Warburton

    14. Mount St. Helens

    15. Lake Okeechobee

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Maltinn

    18. Dr. Seuss

    19. Princess Leia

    20. Saint Anne

  27. Late late late to the game. I haven’t even read comments – I’ll go back and read after I post mine:

    1. Henry Adams

    2. Robert Browning

    3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    4. Tommy Lee

    5. John Adams

    6. Katie Cruise

    7. Norma Desmond

    8. Joan Armatrading

    9. Christopher Isherwood

    10. William of Orange

    11. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

    12. Edith Wharton

    13. Patrick Henry

    14. Mount Marilyn (from Apollo 13)

    15. Lake Woebegone

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Bast (Howards End)

    18. Dr. Zhivago

    19. Princess Grace

    20. Saint Jude

  28. 1. Henry Winkler (doesn’t he remind you of Mccain. Just a little

    2. Robert Redford

    3. Elizabeth Jenkins (federal judge or the author)

    4. Tommy the gun morrison

    5. John the baptist

    6. Katie Hoff

    7. Norma Rae

    8. Joan Jett

    9. Christopher Reeves

    10. William Shakespeare

    11. Rebecca Romijn Stamos (i thought of the whole name together. I think it sounds better like that)

    12. Edith Bunker

    13. Patrick Swayze

    14. Mount Rushmore

    15. Lake titicaca

    16. Marie Antoinette

    17. Leonard Nemoy

    18. Dr.Heathcliff Huxtable

    19. Princess Di

    20. Saint mary

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