oh, help me rhonda

Who knew this brief little quote from “The Simpsons” would bring out the angry drive-by commenters? By the way, any new reader’s first comment goes into moderation. Gives me a chance to sorta see what I’m dealing with, you know? And I’m not approving your comments, because, well, I don’t have to! BWAHAHAHA! — I AM MAD WITH POWER!!



All righty. But I will address your witty comments as a whole, ‘kay?

First of all, strangerinos, the comment, in context, was actually funny.

(Are there people still unfamiliar after almost 20 years with what “The Simpsons” is?)

Second of all, I’m not saying I relate to it because I find it so easy to forgive myself, because I don’t, so enough already with the hostility about “Oh, how nice for you that you can always forgive yourself no problem.”

Clearly, a short quote from a cartoon show has given you a window into my soul.

Perhaps my comment about the quote was unclear, but what’s with the rush to judgment?

Thirdly — and let me completely strip the quote of its humor because I’m alls about stripping things of their humor around here; I mean, I would curl up and die if I couldn’t strip things of their humor — the quote is about how some people find it easy to forgive themselves in the face of really huge wrongs or hurts they done and then offer flippant apologies to a still-hurting person. And I know what that feels like.

But thanks for your now-deleted comments. They made my day!

Signed, your blog monstress,

Dr. Tracenstein

9 Replies to “oh, help me rhonda”

  1. Now THIS is what happens when I skip a day of your blog – I miss all the humor-stripping!! Never again will we take the kids fishing AND to the zoo all in the same day. It just cuts into my reading time.

  2. Just one more reason why I don’t blog on my own but read others…I couldn’t deal with the drive bys and personal attacks with as much grace and humour as you do! I would just like to hunt them down and ask them face to face what the heck their problem is!

  3. I loved your “strangerinos” shout-out to Ned Flanders!!!

    I personally am suspicious of people who get bent out of shape over The Simpsons; I knew one convert from Evangelicalism to Catholicism who seemed proud of the fact that she didn’t watch it. Odd that she coupled up with someone who finds it hilarious (my Ex).

    But, you know, that goes for anything where people seem to want to announce that they don’t care for something someone else has professed he/she likes. Doesn’t interest you? Move along, then.

  4. Does humor-stripping involve specialized tools? You know, kind of like wire-stripping?

    And I have to say I totally don’t get the whole drive-by disapproving comment thing. Why bother? I think leaving nasty comments on someone’s blog is kind of like driving 18 blocks out of your way to throw a Coke can on the lawn of someone you don’t like…

    (Speaking of disapproving: The Disapproving Rabbits. Maybe next time you get a disapproving comment…if you do…it will help to imagine it coming out of the mouth of one of those rabbits.)

  5. And I just checked out that site. Hahahahaha! I never really thought about it before, but a bunny’s basic expression IS vaguely disapproving.

    Makes me remember my ol’ bunny Hopscotch.

  6. sam — Thank you. But I feel I must tell you that I have hired a homeless person to hunt them down and ask them what the heck their problem is. 😉

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