right brain vs. left brain creativity test


Also …. was anyone else weirded out by the very first question? Was it just me??

Okay. Pro-ceed.

Cool test which measures, not your intelligence, but which hemisphere of your brain is dominant. Now most of us know our dominant side — I wasn’t surprised by that part of my results — but I liked the way the test broke down the results into various categories and percentages: verbal processing, intuitive processing, random processing, etc. It shows you where you’re strong and where you’re weak, explains the different ways your brain works, even gives some tips on how to strengthen your weak areas.

So my brain hemisphere dominance breaks down this way:

Left Brain

Right Brain

No surprise there to me, really. In my left brain analysis, the most dominant characteristic is verbal. My least dominant left brain characteristic is linear processing. Me verbal. Me intuitive. Me no think linearly.

So here’s what they say about my left brain problems:

Linear Processing

Linear processing is a method by the left hemisphere to process information. In this process, the left brain takes pieces of information, lines them up, and proceeds to arrange them into an order from which it may draw a conclusion. The information is processed from parts to a whole in a straight, forward, and logical progression.

Your Linear Analysis

You tend to have difficulty in processing data in a linear manner. When processing information you tend see the whole picture first and work your way backwards, filling in the pieces as you go. The information you process is not done in a straight, progressive manner, but may take different paths as you start with an assumption and take different paths to discover the threads that lead you to that assumption. Seeing the big picture at the beginning of the process is a necessity for you if you are to understand additional information. When given a task, instead of naturally following directions in a linear fashion, you tend to feel the need to know “why” you are doing something or else you may have difficulty with it.

True dat. Bummer.

In my right brain analysis, intuitive processing and fantasy-oriented processing scored tied at the top. I was somewhat disturbed to see such a high score in fantasy-oriented processing because, well, I tend to think I spend too much mental energy being, ah, elsewhere than in reality, but then they made it sound all nice and purty-like:

Fantasy-oriented Processing

Fantasy-oriented processing is used by the right hemisphere as a method for processing information with creativity. It focuses much less on rules and regulations than the processing method of a left-brained person. Due to the fantasy-oriented processing mechanism of a right-brained person, they do not adjust well to change. Instead of adapting to the change in the environment, a right-brained person attempts to change it back to the way they liked it. But fantasy-oriented processing also provides the advantage of creativity to right-brained individuals, and since emotion is integral of the right side of the brain, anything a fantasy-oriented person becomes involved in emotionally will aid their ability to learn.

Your Fantasy-oriented Analysis

You have the ability to use both creativity and reality to process the information you receive. This is a unique gift that allows you to both focus on rules and regulations but to also act with creativity. You are able to adjust to change, even though you might not like it, and you can become emotionally involved in your work if it interests you.

Oh, phew. So they say I use creativity AND reality. Wouldn’t have guessed that.

What a pleasant surprise.

Go take the test and find out what’s right/what’s wrong with your brain!


8 Replies to “right brain vs. left brain creativity test”

  1. Apparently, everything is wrong with my brain. The link took me to a results page that read “Left Brain 0%; Right Brain 1%.”

    Me blog! Me drool on self! Majik box must die!

  2. That was cool! I was 54% left and 46% right…which as an accountant, did not surprise me. In fact, I thought it would be more skewed to the left, if anything.

    The weird thing was, I scored low in verbal. It said, “You are not a verbal person.”

    My husband would roar with laughter over this statement. So would my parents…or pretty much anyone who knows me. I never shut up!

    Thanks for the link.

  3. NF — Wait. What happened? Is the link screwed up? Lemme check, but remember, I am not left-brained. Any fixin’ is gonna hugely challenge and exhaust me.

    MM — Okay. How come you could do it?? I think on the verbal thing — I think it means how you process information, not how good you are with words, per se. Am I making sense? Maybe you process sequentially or randomly or something other than verbally, because I think you’re great with words.

  4. I tested even less left-brained than you, Tracey, and I figured it out eventually… so I have confidence in you! But I didn’t want you to be exhausted.

    And yes, the first question was kind of personal.

  5. 49% Left, 51% Right.
    Wow, that was eerily accurate. The explanations of the category breakdowns were very helpful.
    Thanks, Tracey- this was fun!

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