y’all can explain it to me

I got something bizarre in my email this morning. A woman at my church runs a women’s group that I attended once and vowed never to attend again, for various reasons including the fact that it’s espousing some vague, watery, New-Agey philosophies about God. I found myself unable to understand the spiritual floatiness of what was taught there or prayed there or even mentioned in general conversation there. It sounded just like the letter in my email this morning.

Now, I’m still on the group’s mailing list and I allow myself to stay on the mailing list because I’m curious, frankly, to know what’s going on. So the group leader sent out a small note that included an exhortation to pray in the aftermath of the disaster, with which I wholeheartedly agree …. and also this handy-dandy PROPHECY and prayer model, with which I have some teensy, niggling problems.

So I’m posting the prophecy and prayer model section of her note and “bolding” all the sections that I find incomprehensible or maddening.

You may either try to explain them to me or you may try to calm me down. You must choose, because I don’t think you can do both.

I’m not including her note, just the main body. It’s written by someone named Chuck D. Pierce. I’m not familiar with him and I really don’t feel deprived on that score.

Ready? Here we go:

“September 2, 2005

Dear Friends:

We must pray and intercede on behalf of those traumatized along the Gulf Coast areas. We are entering into a level of warfare in the earth that is beyond our present mindset and paradigm. In these seven years of war, God has been preparing us for what is ahead. We are ending the fourth year and approaching the fifth year. (Um, WHAT?) We need supernatural grace to deal with lawless structures in days ahead. I want to be real honest, when I wrote The Future War of the Church explaining the anti-Christ system and lawlessness, many criticized and scoffed at the concept of the level of warfare that we would be encountering in days ahead.

Please, please prepare yourself for these next three years. Use the prayer points below to begin to engage spiritual forces in ways that we have never understood in the past. The following prophetic word is from the revelation that came forth on August 12 in our FirstFruits Gathering built around covenant alignment:

To the United States of America… “Know that today this nation is being realigned. Get ready, for refuge cities will begin to arise throughout this land. They will begin to rise up from state to state to state all along the East coast, all along the Gulf, and all along the West coast. I am raising up refuge cities.

Florida is resisting the development of My plan,
(DAMN those stubborn, toothless blue hairs!) but I will cause a strong remnant to arise in this state. I AM even beginning to train those in cities that will know how to move forward. Many of you have wondered: ‘Why am I not involved here or there – why do I seem to be shelved?’ (I, myself, have not wondered this. ) I will begin to assign you to be a part of those groups that will aid My next move in the earth. This will come because of great shakings, floods and disease structures that are forming. I AM assigning you now to spread My Good News. I AM developing ears to hear My grace. There is a shifting now of compassion and mercy, for I need My healers to be ready to be released throughout the land.”

To those in law enforcement and public authority… “Lawlessness is beginning to rise and escalate. Many of you who have prayed will become discouraged as you see statistics change. Lift up your heads. This is the beginning of dividing and exposing the real source of covenant breaking and violence that is seething in this land. I will give you strategies over how to defeat major lawless structures. These strategies are but temporary measures, so remain on alert from this day forward.”

1. Ask God to teach you about lawlessness.
2. Ask the Lord to build a shield of faith around you.
3. Ask the Lord to have you be more responsive to prophecy. (I assume he’s referring to modern-day “prophecies” such as this one. Well, I’m responsive. “!?@%!!” is a response.) In 2004, the word given in Baton Rouge was on purification coming to New Orleans.) (Soooo …. New Orleans is officially “purified,” I guess. Who wants to tell ’em? And, really, meow, Baton Rouge.)
4. Don’t lean on your own understanding. We are entering into a supernatural dimension. (Or a rilllly weird area.)
5. Bind the accuser (Where do we get the idea that WE can bind anything?) who is working in the earth realm to bring division in the midst of crisis.
6. Begin to set a blood-line barrier at the 150 mile radius around the victimized area. How do you do that? (Wait. What the heck IS that? It sounds positively grim. Will Geraldo be reporting from there?) You get up and decree by the Spirit of God (So WE get to decree?! Well, I did not know this, but apparently, “I’m the King of the World!” And you are, too. Ta-da!) that there is a supernatural shield set so that the enemy’s plan cannot invade that barrier. Cry out for angelic forces to visit individuals that are crying out in these areas. (Yes, just read the Bible. Angelic visitations are ALWAYS soothing.) Ask for angels to HELP in this structure of lawlessness that is operating in this part of the earth.
7. Pray for those that are serving as refuge cities– Houston, Baton Rouge, and others.
8. In the midst of trauma, always let God show you areas in our lives that can be purified. Bind condemnation (again, the binding thing) and ask God to purify us where we have been weak in the past. In intercession, what you identify … purify. Ask God to purify areas where we have allowed the enemy to take control.
9. Pray for supernatural, unexplained healings to start occurring in individuals. (For what purpose? So we can say to the people, “Huh. I don’t know HOW you got healed. It’s ‘unexplained.'” I mean, wouldn’t we want to be able to point to the Lord as the source?)
10. Ask for the Holy Spirit to invade this situation.

Here is another portion of the prophetic word that came forward in our August FirstFruits Gathering on covenant:

To the CHURCH … “I will reverse cessation thinking. Many have held onto a dead religion. Let go of old religious patterns and embrace My resurrection and power. The wind of My power will begin to blow and it will not be able to be explained.

There will be a desire for My Spirit. Those that do not repent of a religion that denies My Spirit in the earth will not embrace My covenant plan or people in the future. I have chosen Israel as the deciding factor in the earth. Those who do not acknowledge Israel’s place in the earth will not understand the place that I have prepared for them in days ahead.”


Chuck D. Pierce”

All right. I’m sure I’ve missed some spots that I could “bold.” Looking at it again, I could “bold” nearly the whole darn thing.

Anyone want to take a stab at it here? Remember, you may either calm or explain.

Yes, we need to pray, without ceasing, really. We need the Holy Spirit’s wisdom now more than ever. We need the church to be the church to the scattered, hurting masses. But these other phrases? These other things? WHAT are they? Do the people who say and believe these things even know what they’re saying and believing? I don’t find these notions taught in the Bible, but they do sound airily appealing; they speak to our desire for personal power — ” I decree” “I bind” — which is in direct opposition to biblical teaching. We’re to clothe ourselves with “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,” says Colossians 3, not a “blood-line barrier.”

I read the letter to My Beloved and his comment was this:

“It makes me think of children who believe there are monsters in the closet. But at least they’re children.”

All I know is, golly, I live well beyond this 150-mile, blood-line barrier. So do many of the victims now. Perhaps you do, too.

Well, we’re cheesed, I guess.

And if you’re in Florida, He’s really mad at you.

Resistance is futile, Gammie; He’s comin’ for ya.

19 Replies to “y’all can explain it to me”

  1. Hey Tracey, are you specializing on themes connected with spiritual warfare? 🙂

    There is quite some stuff in there that I do not understand – at all!
    I think I have an idea though what is meant with the “line of blood”. I have heard about it before in a different context. (Acutally that time it was a pretty cool story). It means that in faith you draw a line around a certain area and the blood is the blood of Christ which has protective powers. This line is like a barrier and it is supposed to hinder evil forces/spirits/powers from entering.

    I don’t know how biblical and true that is, but I know that Christ’s blood is our healing and protection. I personally don’t draw lines in faith all the time. 🙂 The concept can be really calming though if you are worried about safety suddenly. So I cannot really offer an opinion on this particular thing, it still seems kind of strange to me too, but there might be something to it (although in a different way than this author of the letter uses it).
    I won’t get into any of the other stuff now…

    Guess this is not calming 😉
    Hug, Jeannine

  2. 1) Chuck D Pierce is a quack — Google him, *yikes*
    2) *Wha?*
    3) Sounds like this group thinks we’ve already entered the “end times” (3.5 years + 3.5 years = 7 years). Again, *wha*?
    4) The whole “binding and loosing” thing… Yeah, been through that one with some former peeps — not pretty. Especially when you’re binding and loosing things in OTHER CHRISTIANS — which is spiritually impossible since CHRISTIANS CANNOT HAVE DEMONS.
    5) “I AM” in all caps is used an awful lot here. Someone got a God complex, maybe?
    6) *Wha?*
    7) RUN.

    😉 WG

  3. Speechless.

    What a nut. I hate it when scripture gets sensationalized and twisted. I agree with WordGirl, it sounds like he thinks we’re in the middle of the tribulation. If it were only this easy. (In no offense to those suffering right now, but the tribulation will make this seem like a cakewalk).

    It made for interesting reading at least, unfortunately my blood pressure escalated a wee bit.

  4. hmmmm….

    “He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons we live in.” (isn’t that what the Bible is for?)

    some things he has “prophesied” on include the stopping of Big Ben clock this summer (after it happened), and hurricanes ivan and katrina (after they happened). surprisingly, i couldn’t find much else that he had “prophesied.”

    this stuff gives me the creeps. i think satan uses things like this to sidetrack us from God’s purpose.

  5. I’m choosing calming, because ’twere pointless to choose “explaining”:
    Sister, there are crazy people in the world. Don’t let them distract you from either the goodness of your Father or from the work that He has for you. I guess this is sort of a “Nil illegitimi carborundum” I’m throwing out here, but I think it’s true in this case.

  6. Yes, M@, but when they start infiltrating one’s church shouldn’t one be concerned?

    This *crap* is being swallowed whole at this women’s group because it’s packaged so prettily: “Come to my lovely home, sit in a cushy chair, have some tea and some scones and some trash theology. ” It all goes down so nicely, so easily, it actually infuriates me.

  7. And Jeannine — On that whole “blood-line/Blood of Jesus” issue, here’s what I think, for what it’s worth:

    We have redemption and justification by His blood, but I don’t see it taught anywhere in Scripture that it can form a protective barrier from the enemy, sealing out all evil things. Yes, there’s “power in the blood,” but power to save, to cleanse, not power to summon supernatural structures that have no basis in the Word.

    Besides, just think how we would abuse that if it WERE true:

    “Ohh, Lord, I pray the blood of Jesus to protect my thighs as I eat this whole pie.”

    “Ohh, Lord, I pray the blood of Jesus around my bank account, sealing out all creditors and the IRS.”

    “Ohh, Lord, I pray the blood of Jesus to keep my perky boobins perky — forevahhhh!”

    (Wait. Can I try that one?) 😉

  8. Nil illegitimi carborundum: phony Latin for “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
    T brings up a good point though. At what point is tolerance too tolerant? T, are you sure this is a belief espoused by everyone in that group? Could this be from the lunatic fringe of the group? If this is representative of the group as a group, then sure, we have some problems, and we need some doctrinal correction. If this is just some loonie la-la, then we can just give it a miss. I don’t know which case this is.
    Let’s just keep praying for the victims of Katrina, and helping out however we can.

  9. I’m confused about the whole blood line thing. Do we need to go 150 miles from the peremeter of the victimized area or from the center of the area? Do we have to walk the all this line because that will take a while? I just want to get it right because if I don’t God woun’t be able to work.

  10. Well Tracey, it sounds like you’ve already got a good handle on this. The guy is a nut job, and his teaching seems to be a hodgepodge of different stuff.

    There is a gnostic element here: “We’re the elite Christians with special knowledge.”

    There is the charismatic movement taken to a grace-denying and Bible-denying extreme: “If you question or resist what we’re doing, you’re resisting the Spirit.”

    There is phony prophecy:

    1) Claiming foreknowledge of something but only mentioning it after it happened.

    2) Vague prophecies that can be fulfilled by a lot of things, like Nostradamus, fortune cookies, horoscopes, etc.

    3) New general “revelation”, as if the Bible is wrong when it says we’ve already been given all we need for life and godliness.

    Ultimately, this is of man and it will fail just like the many like him who have gone before. (Oops, guess I’m one of those “dead religion” creeps.) In the meantime, people are likely going to get hurt. Tracey, your church leadership needs to know what their people are being recruited into.

  11. this is such an interesting line of thought – one hundred and fifty miles from where i thought it would be… 🙂

    t – you should ask the woman who sent the newsletter why she chose this addendum to include. or, bring it to the attention of your minister/pastor/preacher/priest.

    you are right – when people start embracing this theology, you need to make sure you aren’t the only one in the group who sees the flaws. God placed it on your heart to be disturbed by this, so see where He takes you as a result.

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