(My cellphone always takes such dark pictures — drat!)
A pond near my in-laws’ house.
I liked the etching from the ducks gliding across the pond.
I wish you could see this place in person. Its stark late fall beauty always gets me. Mountains, white, pine, slate. Valleys, gold, brown, sage, russet, pink. Ponds, creeks everywhere. Even in people’s front yards. This place gets a hook in your heart, that’s for sure.
Even through the cell phone, we can see how beautiful it is. I don’t want to out you, so you can e-mail this answer, but is that Pla*cer*vil*le (or near there)? You mentioned it was a smallish mountain town. I am curious, as I know someone from that area.
Glad it was a beautiful, if way too long, holiday 🙂
Your cell phone takes pictures in the faded-oil-painting-of-the-70’s medium. That said it does look like a marvelous place.
Brian — they do kinda look like that, don’t they? Well, there’s no flash on it or any way to gauge light, I guess, but I kinda like these.
MM — It’s okay; I’ll just answer here. No, it’s not. 😉
Gorgeous images…I want to go there.
Oh gosh, those are my favorite colors for a landscape. Browns and greys. Beautiful!!!
I was trying to put into words what they looked like to me, but Brian has summed it up. I mean that in a good way. I think they look really cool.
Those are terrific picutres! They have an ethereal quality that brings out the feeling of the landscape more than a perfecct sharp image. Pro photogrophers go crazy trying to do stuff like that on purpose.