the wiggly anticipation continues

For Sweeney Todd.

“IIIIIIIIIIII ….. am Adolpho Pirelli, da king of da barbers, da barber of kings, a buon giorno, good day! I blow you a keeess!” *smack*
Sasha Baron Cohen as Pirelli

“All right, you sir! How about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Sweeney!”
Johnny Depp as You-Know-Who

“I’ll warm me bones on the esplanade, have tea and scones with me gay young blade …” Sure ya will, hon.
Johnny Depp and Helena BoneHam Carter

“Oh, what a beautiful morrrrrrrnin’, oh, what a beauutiful daaaaay!”
What? Is that wrong?
Helena BoneHam Carter

Still. Can’t. WAIT.

9 Replies to “the wiggly anticipation continues”

  1. I think I’ll recycle some of my snark from Order of the Phoenix – it’s nice that Helena Bonham Carter keeps getting roles that don’t require any time in makeup.

  2. LOL, NF. Too true.

    And lemme’getthisstraight: Tim Burton IS or IS NOT directing this? ‘Cuz this soooooo looks like “him”.

    And I swear, T, before you said anything I thought Borat was Alan Rickman. Wish it was, I hate that guy. I have the image of his nethers burned on my brain forever now. His and that fat guy’s. Stupid Borat. I HATE HIM LIKE FIRE!

  3. What’s wrong with me? I actually love all these pictures. I’m not a huge fan of Helena BC and I think she’s physically miscast as Lovett. But, we’ll see. We’ll see. I am SO willing so suspend any little nigglings I have right now because I’m just crazy excited, you know? It’s weird. I’ll have them and worry; then get all excited again and drop ’em. I’m all over the map about it and that’s okay with me.

    WG — I haven’t seen Borat, but Sasha BC LOOKS great to me as Pirelli. The character’s a cartoon, ridiculous. His hair is killing me. Oh, and, yes, Tim Burton did direct it.

    Sal — What don’t you like in particular about the costumes? I mean, all the characters are grand in their own way. Huge. Larger than life. They don’t operate on a small or moderate scale. Lovett and Pirelli in particular are not exactly models of good taste. So, I like his crazy blue coat and I like her loud orange gown. I just like that “By the Sea” shot in general. The colors, the ridiculousness of Sweeney in white, uhm, clearly not enjoying his whole new happy life (albeit imagined by Lovett). It’s kinda cracking me up, that picture.

  4. sheila — /a psychedelic Seurat painting./

    Yes. “Sunday Afternoon on the Esplanade with Sweeney.”

    The clouds seem kinda Maxfield Parrish-y to me.

    And Depp’s face. Amazing. He is insane.

  5. My brother MADE me watch “Borat.” And, like WordGirl, I have a very specific mental image that – if they made some kind of specific memory-erasing drug – I’d definitely take the drug for.


    I don’t know. I agree with Tray on the “miscasting” of Bonham Carter…but I love the esplanade shot. If it’s one of those movies that’s “visually weird” (and I mean that as a compliment – “weird” here is good – I may have to go see it. And I never go out to the movies.)

  6. Isn’t it great when there’s a reason to go to the movies? The anticipation, the worry, the thrill of finally seeing it? I haven’t been excited about a film (and seen any payoff) since… ah… ?

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