6 Replies to “good time for a visit”

  1. Ooh!! Awesome! I saw that Bodies exhibit – it’s something that stays with you for a long long time.

    And the Dead sea scrolls one sounds great!

  2. I will prepare the spare room!

    Uhm. You can sleep on the trampoline!

    Oh, then, you will engage in forced labor as a barista and be expected to take one for the team by conversing at long tedious length with The Talker about, oh, idiot drivers!! and idiots at the gym!! and random idiot people crossing his field of vision!!

    Sound good??


  3. Hahahahahahaha!

    Okay. Good.

    Then I will sit back with my stopwatch and time your conversation with The Talker, making notes on when you, sheila, actually get to speak. MB and I will be hiding behind the espresso machine unable to look at you because we will be laughing hysterically, I imagine, at the look on your face.

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