everybody loves carla

Carla the IC continues to enthrall. She came in the other day for her weekly business group meeting.

CTIC: Hey, Miss Tracey!

MISS TRACEY: Hey, Carla (the IC)! How are things in the alternate dimension?

(I like to ask so I’ll have stuff to blog about, see.)

CTIC: Oh, good, good. Kinda more interesting than around here sometimes.

MISS T: Oh, uh-huh.

CTIC: Been having some interesting dreams. Do you remember your dreams?

MISS T: Uh, no, not usually.

(Regarding me sadly. So so sadly.)

MISS T: But that one over there (deflecting from my psychically dead self by pointing to the tower of psychic phenomena that is MB), he’s the one always having these epic dreams. Huge epic dreams.

(MB scowls at me.)

CTIC (brightening): Ooohh! Okaaay. What sign are you, (MB)?

MB: Sagittarius.

CTIC: Ooooooh, yes! Sag’s are verrrry spiritual. Wow. Wowww.

MB: Oh, uhm, good.

CTIC: Okay. So what sign are you, Miss Tracey?

MISS T: I’m a Leo.

CTIC (totally flat): Oh. Well …. (looking me up and down) Leos have good hair.

Oh, yeah? Really? But what about my inner hair??

9 Replies to “everybody loves carla”

  1. Leos have good hair, huh? My dad must have nice “inner hair,” b/c his b-day’s July 24 and he’s only got a few strands. (But he’s still good-looking, as most Leos are!)

  2. I’m going to start calling her Carla the Incredibly Cockamamie.

    The next time she comes in, I triple-dog dare you to start singing “Age of Aquarius.”

  3. We love Carla!

    I’m a Sag, and going to sleep is like going to the movies. In color. And, I know I’m dreaming, at the same time. So, it’s like acting and observing.

    Maybe don’t sing it, but hum under your breath.

  4. “Leos have good hair”

    LOL! Is that like saying “But he has a nice personality”?

    I wonder what her idea of the prime trait of Pisceans is?

    (Probably wishy-washiness or something like that)

    Actually, there’s something to be said for not remembering one’s dreams. I have very vivid dreams quite frequently and there are many mornings when I wake up exhausted, shaking, or going “WTF?!?!?!” because of them.

  5. Yes – nice hair, because it only looks grey in the sunlight! 😉

    My Lord, you have a crowd o’loons to feed . . .

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