stuff i’m working on

Oh, dear. Oh, dear, peeps. I’m working on a post that will probably end up being almost impossible to finish, like this one or this one.

I don’t know why I’m doing it. Maybe I shouldn’t. Because I hate that feeling of “I cannot ever ever finish this post” that I have about those other two. Where I’m feeling like a total failure about it. And, still, I keep doing it. Sheesh.

Anyway, maybe another destined-to-be-unfinished piece will be posted soon.

Sigh ….

4 Replies to “stuff i’m working on”

  1. Tracey, I was thinking of your new beanhouse when I was in the liquor store today (buying something to toast the end of the school quarter!). There was a coffee liqueur with “Boheme Cafe” on the label. I would’ve bought it except it has cream in it and I don’t do milk. But the label looked cool.

    If it makes you feel any better, I have an unpublished novel I keep rewriting and its half-finished sequel. I’ve got notes everywhere I’ve been meaning to translate into actual writing. Did I mention I finished the first draft of the novel when I was a senior in high school? Anyone can take or leave my opinion, but sometimes it’s just great to get something down on paper (or PC). Keep at it; I support you! 🙂

  2. “I’m working on a post that will probably end up being almost impossible to finish,” which means I will probably love it. What could me more worthwhile than the impossible?

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