rundown rundown

Rundown of opening weekend:

— Beanhouse regulars showed up, which was good.

— They have not had any personality and/or character transplants, which was bad.

(Oh, and by the way, I’m “outing” The Beanhouse, since it no longer has retail outlets; it’s strictly a wholesaler. It’s where I get my beans and you should, too. Go here: Diedrich Coffee. I’d be happy to help any of you pick some coffees from them.)

Annnnyhoo ….

Oh, yes. The personality non-transplants. Some people don’t seem to understand that while I’m offering the coffees they’re used to and the espresso menu they’re used to, not every freakin’ thing will be exactly the same as it was at The Beanhouse. I’m a small business. Wee. Not a corporation. So, please, coffee kooks, enough with the …

Traaacey, I thought you’d be open on the 1st!!”

“So did I. Stuff happened.”

“Traaaacey, where are the cranberry muffins??”

“I’m a small business. I’m using a different supplier.”

“Oh. What bakery are you using?”

“Maison Coutez.”


(That’s Costco, peeps. I just made up that name for it, but it sure shut her up.)

“Traaaaaacey, you need to have bran muffins. People like bran muffins.”

“No, they don’t.” (At least this customer is a good sport.)

“Traaaaaaaaaaacey, where are my blueberry scones???”

“Hm. I don’t knnnnnow.”

“Traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacey, the parking situation isn’t very good.”

“Well, I’m not God. Or a city planner. I have no control over that. There’s free 2-hour parking right across the street.”

(The guy who complained about that pissed me off almost daily at The Beanhouse with his gloomy-doomy ways. That was his FIRST comment upon entering our pleasant cozy little bar area.)


Right now, I’m sleep deprived and questioning whether I’ve made some hideous mistake. So …. lie to me, say nice things. I don’t care what it is. Tell me you look hot today. Or you won the lotto. Or you look hot and you won the lotto.

Tell me what sleep is like. Or food. Or sleeping with food. Or gorging on sleep.

Ready … Go:

11 Replies to “rundown rundown”

  1. First of all, you did not make a mistake! It sounds like normal new business opening chaos. You’ll know if it’s a mistake about 12-18 months down the road. It takes TIME (which most customers don’t realize) to smooth it all out. Soon you will have a rhythm and it will be good.

    And… I won the lotto. :-0 kidding.

  2. “Maison Coutez”? I’m howling! Way to shut her up.

    The public is, well…very public.
    But you knew that.

    I made three costumes today and solved the hyena-jackal problem: the solution is tan stripes on mangy black fur and big pointy tan ears.

    And…my hair looks really good, too.

  3. Anita — Thanks for that reminder!

    Sal — Hahahaha! I am SO glad I did not have a hyena/jackal problem. But I’m relieved to know the solution should one ever arise.

    And why — because I’m nosy — does your hair look especially good? What is your secret? I need my hair to look good again — not like it’s been conditioned with coffee grounds.

    Didn’t I used to be human once?

  4. Head and Shoulders, the best shampoo in the world.

    And I had time to air dry, not heat fry, b/c I was home, working on that problem.

  5. Coffee grounds probably make a better exfoliant than conditioner, Tracey. . .

    That’s interesting–we have Diedrich Coffee listed as the parent company for one of the coffee places at our main mall. I’ll have to go over and taste their coffee!

    Nice things? Well, the temperature has managed to reach over 60 degrees in the Philadelphia area. . . it’s been nice to open the window. And have the happiest cat in the world sitting in it. 🙂

  6. *sigh of resignation* Since no one else is gonna’… Imagine a big burly black man who looks like Tyrese.

    DAMMMMN, GIRL!!!! *whistle* Look at that junk! Sa-MOKE-in hot! Make me wanna put you ona plate an sop you up wit a biscuit! A-cannagetta fry wit’ dat shake, baybeh? …UHN!

    Now then.

    Proceed immediately to pass out in the floor behind the counter with Maison Coutez muffito dripping from the drool of your open mouth and dream of how delicious it would be to act like you don’t like Tyrese hitting on you.

  7. And the rest of you — sometimes we just want someone to tell us we look hot! Is that too much to ask?!

    [she said in her most sarcastic and “totally kidding” voice so as not to incite hate and scorn from T’s lovely and most well-educated readership]

  8. WG–I need some enlightenment here–I couldn’t tell from the punctuation. . . were we supposed to say, “You look hot” to Tracey, or say how hot WE look??? (‘Cause I thought it was the latter and considering I’m adjusting to DST too friggin’ early, dealing w/PMS, and doing grad school finals for the term all in the same week. . . I don’t think I’m looking all too hot and just can’t lie over the Internet like that. . . not to dear Tracey. . .)

    Fernando, on the other hand, could get away with, “You look mahvelous!”

  9. True… the you look hot, won the lotto thing was not in quotes, so the “you” could have been interpreted either way. I just asssssumed that T wanted to hear she looked hot, waht with all the opening weekend hubbub.

    But I do look hot today, I must say.

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