the king and queen of christmas

Happy December, all!!

It’s officially December now by the clock out here and that means this:

Time for the silly competition MB and I traditionally have on December 1st.

It involves a stupid Christmas song and the equally stupid lyrics we made up for it. And for some reason likely only discernible by that glorious relationship guru Dr. Phil, the stupidity lives on unabated in our hearts year after year. Because as long as I can remember, we’ve had this competition: The first one of us to sing this stupid little ditty to the other on December 1st wins. You can wake the person up with it. March into the bathroom while they’re showering and sing it. Call them at work and sing it. Whatever. It has to be sung, though. You can’t send it in the mail or write it down. You must sing the stupid, stupid song.

Do NOT ask me to tell you the song. Have I mentioned it is STUPID???

The winner becomes the King or Queen of Christmas. It’s only an honorary title, really. Neither of us actually REIGNS over Christmas when we win — alas! — but the winner does kinda reign over the, uhm, non-winner/quivering subject in a benevolent monarch-y way for the Christmas season. Oh, and there’s a special gift involved for the Christmas Monarch, chosen by the non-winner/quivering subject. The first year we did it, I think MB won. But it was all very loose and free-form, nothing really set, and he was like, “So what do I get?” “Uhm, you’re the King of Christmas, er somethin’ like that??” “Oh, okay.” But now, we are ridiculously attached to the whole retarded deal.

Yep. Thaaaat’s right.

Go snort your scorn somewhere else, you Commoners of a Predictable Christmas!

So now, I’m still awake — well, unless I’m sleep-blogging — and MB has fallen asleep over there on the couch. It’s officially December 1st. I COULD wake him up with it right now. But …. oh, I won last year. I’m torn. TORN, I tell you! It’s almost TOO easy right now. We are so competitive on this. I should just be cut-throat, huh? This is so dumb. I cannot believe I’m even blogging about this. Okay, look …. there he is. It’d be so easy … wake him up, Tracey … come on …. SING IT! SING IT!! GAH!!

Tell ya later what happened …. you’re all asleep anyway.

4 Replies to “the king and queen of christmas”

  1. My opinion?

    The couple that can be “stupid” together, stays together.

    (Stupid in scare quotes because I think this kind of thing is funny and endearing rather than stupid. My parents do that kind of silly thing and they’ve been married 47 years now).

  2. No, ASM, that doesn’t count.

    I should have just started singing it to him while he was asleep because …. I ended up LOSING! I lost my focus. He came home EARLY and — BAM! — started singing the damn thing!

    I canNOT believe it. I got soft, people. I had it in my hands and let it go. It’s a truly sad commentary on … something sad.

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