you know she’s right

My Beloved just found this Piper post from last year and read it to me, laughing about her little observation here. This was from the weekend she stayed with us. There’s also a post about that weekend listed in the sidebar under “Favorite Tales.” Oh, and she’s not talking about birds in this post. I remember someone thought that when I first posted it. She has a little speech problem and it’s getting better, but she was only 4 at the time, too. I just do my best to write her how she actually sounds.

Anyway …… the brief post …

Here’s something I learned from my niece Piper last weekend.

When I put her to bed, she wants me to climb in with her, you know, to chat. So I do. We lie there, facing each other, chatting and giggling. Oh, and we hold hands, because she insists on it.

So part of our conversation goes like this:

Piper: Gulls are moe special den boys, Tee Tee.

Me: Oh? Why is that?

Piper: Well, gulls have special fings.

Me (Kinda hoping a kiddie anatomy lesson was forthcoming): Really? What things are those?

Piper: Well, gulls are sparkly and softie and boys are just haiwy.

Truth is truth, people.

4 Replies to “you know she’s right”

  1. Piper: Well, gulls are sparkly and softie and boys are just haiwy.

    Thirty years or so ago i remember my mother saying just about the same thing to me.
    Especially the “men are hairy” part.
    Truth rules with no favorites, regardless of how we feel about it.
    Truth is God, imho.
    Have a blessed life!

  2. Too cute! She’s got it figured out…or as my dd’s singsong it…

    “girls are handy, made outta candy,
    boys are rotten, made outta cotton…”

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