i …. i …. have no words …..

Dear blog friend Brian sent me this today — saying it was for Sheila and me — based on this post where I talk about — oh, God knows what — my gun and MB’s fantasy man date based on an NRA sticker sighting and how perky Bob violated his man space, blahdie blah. Well, the comments in that thread are insane, basically — pony rides with guns were discussed at one point, I believe — and the whole thing inspired Brian to Photoshop this bit of crazy genius:


Seriously, Brian — I mean, I emailed you already, but I could not breathe — this is killing me. Tears of laughter. And look, that is my gun exactly, my .22! Check out my little purple duds, too! Frankly, Happy Pie Tracey never looked better and, I have to say, I really want this outfit. Those shoes! Brian, you dressed me better than I dress myself, thank you.

And you have to explain how this all came about, I beg you.


Go, gun totin’ Tracey, go!! Look how manic I am about sporting a firearm. Who needs pie? I got me a GUN.

I love how those pants are just round enough in the butt to suggest a hidden diaper.

And “drunken slatterns” — hahahahaha.

I’m rambling out of my mind here. Brian, how insane and sweet and hilarious of you. I can’t believe you took the time to make this. Thank you!! You made my day!!

(Okay. I’ve exceeded my exclamation point quota for the WEEK here.)

16 Replies to “i …. i …. have no words …..”

  1. LMAO!!! Every time you mention Perky Bob, I get this unbidden mental image of Smilin’ Bob from the, er, male enh*ncement TV ads that were so horribly obnoxious. [shudder] DO NOT WANT! lolololol

  2. Oh for pete’s sake… using the “at” symbol made that last comment into a clickable e-mail link. Sheesh. Don’t click on it, peeps, it doesn’t go anywhere. Or if it does, it won’t be someplace I’d want you to go. I was trying to avoid triggering the spambots.

    Blech. I give up.

    Sorry, Trace.

  3. so the pony and girl were swiped from butterscotch-pony(dot)com and the gun was from a random gun site and the cute face well I think we all recognize it. FurReal!

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