political stupidity

I know, redundant, right? No. This post isn’t about politics, per se. It’s about meee and my misadventure at the polling booth today.

MB and I went to vote early this afternoon. We live, as generally conservative people, in an extremely liberal neighborhood. Borderline socialist. Seriously. I would bet money we are the only remotely conservative-leaning people in a 5-mile radius.

The place was empty except for the poll workers. They asked our names, did not ask for ID which really bugs me, and gave us our ballots. Or I should say they gave MB his ballot and he disappeared into the cardboard box, no problem. I, on the other hand, created a hubbub, as is my wont. The lady behind handed me a list and said, “These are the ballots available to you: Independent, Democratic, or Non-Partisan.”

“Excuse me?” I said.

“Well, you’re Non-Partisan.”

“I am?” (And stupid. And stupid people shouldn’t vote.)

Seems at some point — when was this point? — I’d registered as this Non-Partisan thingy.

“Uhm …..” I smartly said.

“So those are your choices of ballots.”

“Just those three?”


“Not, uh ….” I hesitated to utter the word because I saw her socialist eyes narrowing “….. Republican?”

“No,” she said, sharply.

“Does the Non-Partisan ballot include all the presidential candidates?”

“No.” That tone. Stupid question from a stupid girl. She went on. “Here are the presidential candidates on the Independent ballot.”

I glanced down at it. Never heard of any of those people, frankly. It didn’t interest me in the slightest because I’d come in, all pumped up to vote for my candidate. I had a clear agenda and, suddenly, it was like I was being shown random carpet samples. “Uh, no, thank you,” I said.

I didn’t know what to do. I just stood there looking at the lady looking at me. I considered not voting, but couldn’t bear the thought. I always vote. I literally get choked up whenever I get to vote; it’s that big of a deal to me.

“So, uhm, what’s on the Non-Partisan ballot, then?”

“Oh, the propositions.”

“Nothing else?”


I sighed. So frustrated. So mad at myself that I didn’t know this.

“Okay. I’ll take that one, I guess.”

I went into the cardboard box and proceeded to vote on a half dozen Indian gaming propositions that I don’t give two figs about. And poof! Then I was done.



I feel like a total ass. Except for the major impact I made on Indian gaming.

One final thing: How come if you’re registered as “Non-Partisan” in CA, you’re offered the chance to vote Democrat but not Republican? Just seems weird to me. Is it like that where all the rest of you live? One party offered, but not the other?

Was I duped, pippa?

4 Replies to “political stupidity”

  1. I think I heard something yesterday about that the Democrats allow independents (and apparently “non-partisans”) to vote in their California primary, and Republicans don’t.

  2. I don’t know. Politics is stupid anyway. I’d like to register as an Independent in my state, but that means I’m never allowed to vote in the primaries.

    I go extra-early to the polling place just to avoid the other faculty from my campus who are more liberal than I.

  3. I remember now what I did — I checked “Decline to State” a few years back and that’s all it took. Didn’t really get to vote. All because party affiliations give me the heebie jeebies.

  4. Here I am showing my lack of knowledge about word meanings….I looked up partisan (because I wanted to see what would define non-partisan – though I had an idea). Partisan, in the dictionary says, a strong supporter of a faction, party, etc.

    So, if you’re a non-partisan, you don’t strongly support one party. I find this situation that you were in very intersting, and would think that both of the major political parties would want to be included in on someone who registers as a non-partisan because they have the chance of that person voting for their party since they’re not fully commited to one.

    I’ve learned something new today – thanks!

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