the dry-eyed facts

1) The man who owns the business My Beloved runs is a liar and a cheat and a pig and a “Christian.”

“But, Tracey, those sound an awful lot like opinions to me!”

To which I say, “Oh, no. NO. These are facts. Facky-fack-FACTS. Well, except for that last one — which I would say is more of a delusion, really. God only knows. I only know that his heavenly mansion had damn well better NOT be next to mine. And THAT’S a fact, Crackie.”

Anyway …..

2) Last fall, we fronted the business $25,000, using some equity in our home.

3) Liar-Cheater-Pig has accused MB of stealing from the business when any and all empirical evidence points to the EXACT opposite.

4) He has yet to pay us.

5) Our adjustable rate mortgage has now doubled.

6) Our formerly great credit is now in the toilet.

7) The dudes next door have had their townhome on the market since last November — for less than we owe on ours.

8) This does not help us.

9) Refinance guys just laugh and laugh at us — all while choking out their chorus of firm “no’s.”

10) The phone rings a lot from people wanting money we don’t have.

11) Liar-Cheater-Pig took back the car the business had given us to use.

12) We have one car now. Oh, it’s in the shop.

13) Liar-Cheater-Pig laughed at the “please pay us now” letter we sent him.

14) He is threatening to shut down the business entirely.

15) We HAVE talked to a lawyer.

16) We don’t want to — but might have to — go to court.

17) Or lose everything.

18) Or both.

19) The Beanhouse has just been sold.

20) And I may or may not have a job, however meager that job may be.

21) Honestly, I just want to box everything up.

22) Throw the keys in the house.

23) Stuff ourselves in our car.

24) And run, run, run, RUN AWAY.

25) We’re just too tired and it’s too much to even care about anymore …

So set up your guest rooms and balloon beds. Tracey and MB are comin’ fer a nice lonng visit! ‘Mmkay?

Upside for you: I make a nice cappuccino. Downside for you: What if the old saying is literally true and house guests really DO stink after 3 days???

17 Replies to “the dry-eyed facts”

  1. Tracey, I am so sorry! It truly sucks when people abuse your trust so completely.

    A few years back, with the energy crisis engineered by the whole Enron machine, my husband lost his business, and we had to sell our house and file for bankruptcy.

    I am not trying to share your pity party…which you are completely and totally entitiled to by the way…I’m just trying to give you a small grain of hope.

    It will get better, but the mean time plain sucks. I’m sorry you have to endure it.

    Come to San Bernardino…but keep the windows rolled up, and look straight ahead when driving through.

  2. The sunn’ll come out tomorrow
    Bet yer bottom dollar that tomorrow
    There’ll be sun
    Just thinkin’ about tomorrow
    Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
    ‘Til there’s none…

    Love your beloved.


    Because that’s what’s available right now.


    Well, who knows what tomorrow may bring.

  3. Thanks, everyone.

    RG — Well, I thought the sun was supposed to come out tomorrow but with the cobwebs cleared and the sorrow none and whatnot.

    I cannot stand Annie.

  4. One other thing bothers me – I pray you put the money you loaned him “on paper”? If you did, good for you. Things should go well in court. If not…. never – ever a borrower or lender be again! Please?

  5. Tracey,
    I’m so sorry. Been wondering how all that was going on, but didn’t like to ask.
    And I’m with ASM: ‘gone to Texas’ might be a great idea.
    Seriously – we’ve got private schools everywhere. Somebody needs a drama teacher…

    The mills of God grind slow, but they grind exceedingly small, if that’s any comfort.

  6. I’m so sorry. That just totally sucks. (And bites, and blows, and any other borderline-obscene verb you want to use).

    I hope that something happens to get you justice. I hate to see it when some jerk abuses other peoples’ trust and takes their money and then is an ass-face about it.

    I’ll be thinking about you. Good thoughts! Good money-back-job-keeping-justice thoughts.

  7. ricki — Thanks. I actually need a NEW job — being a barista was what I found FAST after the performing arts job, ah, went away.

    Sal — Does that mean I’m going to be ground into little tiny bits?

    Capt. — Oh, we have proof. No doubt.

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