beanhouse kooks

I’m very, very far behind on my Beanhouse postings. So far behind, I don’t know how to catch up. Here are just a few people I need to write about:

Dirty Santa

Dog Boy

Porn $tar!

Lemon Lady

Robbie, the Oh-no! Lady

Crappy Writer

Barista with the Book Deal

Old Yeller



Mr. “You’re So Pretty”

That’s just a brief list. I’m actually quite dismayed at how far behind I am. Some are long-ish stories; others are really just momentitos. Still, I can’t seem to choose or get started. So let’s throw it over to you. Maybe that’ll snap the inertia:

Any requests on which one you want to hear first?

7 Replies to “beanhouse kooks”

  1. Ok, I’m just going to randomly say “Sarah!”. ‘Cuz no one has picked that one yet. And it kinda makes me think of “Stella!” – which btw, I had a great Aunt Stella once… who made mints. Like those after dinner mints… for every event when I was a wee little girl.

  2. “Crappy Writer”: Especially if it’s the “Crappy Writer” who just sits in the beanhouse all day staring intently at his spiral notebook then scrawling furiously in serial killer ballpoint while subsisting on nothing but the cheapest black coffee and that string of cigarettes from his threadbare backpack. He’s out to “change literature” and fast his way into a pain sufficient enough to “create” or somesuch.

    I would love that.

    Mints, huh? Hmmm… Could you blog that, please? Way too interesting. And I saw a band called “Donna The Buffalo” at the “Great Aunt Stella Center” a few years back. Swear.

  3. “Barista with a Book Deal”, please.

    Dare I hope that it will contain massive amounts of plagiarism or the tarting up of facts a la Mr. Frey-er, Frey-er, Pants on Fire?

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