but it doesn’t say “thou shalt not kick the snot outta someone who deserves it,” right?

For the last several weeks at The Beanhouse, money has been missing from people’s tills. One day — Groundhog Day, my anniversary — mine was short $93. The other day, nearly $200 was missing from someone else’s. There’s been another occasion or two, with the money missing totalling about $500 in 5 weeks. The same amount of time I — and the two guys hired with me — have been there.

My Beloved and I went out the evening of our anniversary and I was distraught over the missing money. I could NOT figure it out. I don’t steal. I HATE people who do. I had not done it, but I offered to reimburse the company for the money. The response was, “oh, no, don’t do that.” Still, I DID get WRITTEN UP FOR IT. Apologetically, but STILL. It seemed so bizarre — ALL of this — that I started thinking it was some computer glitch. Really.

(Oh, Tracey.)

Yeah — it was NOT. Yesterday, our little 40-year-old thief was FIRED. He was one of the guys hired with me. I wasn’t there when this all “went down,” but he was basically caught red-handed, so there wasn’t a lot of wiggle room for him.

I’m sorry, but I feel just ENRAGED that this jerk set me — and another person — up. That we were going to be his scapegoats; that he was hoping one of US would go down. His other target was the 20-year-old KID who was hired with us. The poor kid. He’s just trying to do his best, trying to get some autonomy from his parents. And he and I were looked at with suspicion, intially, because, I was told today, with the way it happened, they knew it had to be one of the “new” people.

I LITERALLY want to kick the snot outta this guy. Then kick whatever’s left!! He lives just up the street from me — not sure where, exactly — but I’m telling you, I’d better not run into him. EVER. I won’t actually kick any snot — because I’m all bluster on this point — but that’s the problem: I’m all bluster. I know myself. I WILL say something. I will probably regret it, but I WILL say something. On things like this — injustices and the like — I’m usually NOT silent. I sometimes don’t like this about myself, BUT on the upside, if you’re my friend, I WILL stick up for you if you need it, bulldog style.

I dunno. Maybe I should just resort to snot-kicking. It’s quieter. I could just quietly kick snot. I mean, think about it. One could potentially kick the snot of another with no words exchanged at all.

OR maybe I’ll just wait til My 6’3″ Beloved comes home and tell him the news. He’s mellow — until he thinks someone’s wronged me. Then, uhm, WATCH OUT!!!!!

Yes, let’s do THAT, instead.

Irish is comin’ for ya, jerk.

6 Replies to “but it doesn’t say “thou shalt not kick the snot outta someone who deserves it,” right?”

  1. ohhhh, that would make me soooo upset. as a matter of fact it pisses me off and he didn’t even do it to me.
    snot kicking will certianly make for good blogging! not that i am encouraging you, no, of course not *clears throat*.

  2. When I needed a blusterer, you were there for me, Tracey. I’m not confrontational but I’m more than happy to stand behind your Beloved and cheer him on. Let me know when it’s going down.

  3. You meet him in a grocery store and follow him to the checkout. As the cashier rings up his stuff, you say (in a prominent voice) something like : “Say there, “Rob”, when did you finish your sentence for shoplifting?”

    Your 6’3″ Beloved is standing behind you acting as if he’s ‘not with you’ until needed.

  4. Yeah, Cullen, JM — like, “Please — I’m only beating you to a pulp so I can BLOG about it, Slappy.”


    Frankly, that is SO appealing to me right now.

  5. This has happened to me. Though at least you got cleared. The thief who set me up was never found. So when I left Old Navy for another job, it was under the supposition that I was a $100 (to the penny) criminal.

    Funny, the first thing that occurred to me when reading this was, “Survivor: Beanhouse.” Looks like Slappy got voted off.

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