oh, look, it’s a ………… cherumple

O happy day, pippa!

A confection has finally come along to fulfill your previously unexpressed (and unknown) desire for a cherry pie baked in a chocolate cake, a pumpkin pie baked in a spice cake, and an apple pie baked in a yellow cake, all covered with some kind of pruritic rash of rainbow frosting.


Anyone else feeling that pre-barf burning in their gullet? Race ya to the toilet.

Hold my hair back, will you?

11 Replies to “oh, look, it’s a ………… cherumple”

  1. sarahk — Hahahahahaha. That’s it! Exactly!

    sheila — I am sorry to do this to you.

    roo — You’ve summed it up perfectly.

    Also, is it me or does that chocolate cake part look woefully undercooked??

    We need Jayne to sort this all out for us.

  2. If I had to guess, I’d guess that Jayne is fighting madness after having seen this. It is truly the dessert of the Eldritch Ones, who need something light and horrifying to wash down the tormented souls that served as a main course.

  3. SarahK beat me to it; I’m guessing this is the dessert of choice for those favoring the sausage stuffed chicken wrapped in a duck wrapped in a turkey.

    Sometimes more isn’t just more, it’s disgusting.

  4. nightfly was correct – I have spent the last day and a half or so fighting the madness that instantly overcame me when confronted with that…that horrifying tower of goop.

    Although…I’m a bit intrigued at the HOW of it all. I think it’s one of the most frightening things I’ve ever seen, but there’s a part of me that wants to know how it was done. I guess, upon squinting at it through protective lenses, that they cooked the pies first – double crust pies, so no cake batter falls into the pie fillings – and then put them in cake pans and drowned the relatively innocent pies in batter. And the bake time would be quicker, I imagine, since all the cake was around the perimeter of the pan…

    But still. Three different kinds of pie cooked in three different kinds of cake. I’ve let my pants out three times just looking at the picture. And now I need a nap from all that sugar. It hurts my eyes.

    I do think it was nice, though, that the grandkids had a hand in coloring the outside of the cake. I’m just picturing some rolled out fondant and all the grandkids elbowing each other out of the way so they can color while their moms and aunts and grandma put this whole dessert totem pole together. OR!…taking it further…maybe it evolved (or devolved) from some sort of competitive streak in the family. My cherry pie’s better’n her apple pie! No, my pumpkin pie is better’n both of your pies! And then, just to mess with the feuding generation, grandma tucked all the pies in cake pans and HID THEM in cake batter, and announced that HER mile-high rainbow cake was better than all three pies combined! And all the pie generation of women are glaring around the table during dinner wondering who threw her pie out, BECAUSE IT’S NOT THERE ON THE BUFFET WHERE I PUT IT EARLIER! Grandma chuckles behind her napkin when no one’s looking. My, did they all laugh when that first piece of “cake” was sliced!

    And that’s my take on the whole thing.

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