banshee boy

Yes, I do know how to hold a baby. Yes, his head is perfectly supported with my arm right in the crook of his neck, but I tell you true: this was his preferred position. He fussed and fussed with his head held more upright — you know, the way normal people hold babies. But the Floppy Baby position combined with the gentle twisting of my upper torso? Well, pippa, that boy was suddenly off on some crazy baby acid trip. Whenever I held him, he squirmed his way into this position. We had a symbiotic thing going on. “Tee Tee, I’m flopping my head. Do the twisty thing.” “Okay, kid.”

Here, he’s about to fall asleep, but moments before, I was standing near the window gently twisting while he was gazing wide-eyed at an upside down world. Thrilling when you’re 50 days old. So basically I’m creating a spatial genius is what I’m doing. Or a mentally impaired child. We’ll see.


(Look at the precious flop of that jowl, though. The face says so adorable. The diaper says SO offensive.)

7 Replies to “banshee boy”

  1. I would guess that not too long ago, he was hanging upside-down to his heart’s content and nobody was messing with that groove. . . He really is super-cute. (Points to ‘Fly for the Talking Heads reference.)

  2. Thanks, everyone. I can’t get over the way his cheek is basically spilling onto his shoulder.

    /Jean-Luc Picard/ Exactly. I hope he sounds like him too.

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