a sampling of the mindset #2

More from Dude.

This is after MB and others gave him a polite and much-needed smackdown for the comment referenced in the post below and he’s having a change-ish of heart. He’s directing this at MB, after MB explained to him that “dumb” could mean “stupid” or “mute.” (Italics mine.):

As I was telling (another commenter), I was meaning dumb sheep as in their intelligence.  I once heard that they would follow each other off of a cliff and die just because they were following the one in front of them.  (Okay. This is an apt analogy of a FOCer. I’m with you.) I didn’t mean stupid or mute.  (Oh. Just suicidal then. I see.) I guess you interpreted my tone in a way I didn’t intend to be interpreted.  That’s always been the problem with written text; tone and influx of voice for emphasis doesn’t exist.  Even primitive written languages have that.  It stinks.  Did we ever meet?  I don’t remember a lot of last names.  (Yes, because, naturally, MB was using his real name. See how it works? Of course, everyone uses their REAL NAMES on the Internets! Sheesh. Jesus himself would use a screen name just so wouldn’t bug him, Dude.) Did I ever sin against you at the SD church?  If I did, please forgive me.

Brothers and Sisters, I never intended this to go this way.  I was hoping for some good iron sharpening iron.  I came across in a rude, boasting, arrogant way.  Please forgive me.  As for my questions and comments, that aren’t offensive, please help me?  Thank you so much!

So, okay. A teensie change.

But, then, Dude weighed in randomly, off-topic, just a month later:

When will you all come around? (FOC) ROCKS!! You have read and laughed at my story (eh???) but you know that I am in seminary and lead worship at FOC SD Church. I pastored in Calvary Chapel before. I’m young but I’ve been around. Get over your bitter selves and be reconciled with your brothers and sisters in the churches you left. I know you would be received with love and open arms! Let me say it again (FOC) ROCKS. We have planted 3 new churches in California and Arizona in just a year! Come back!!

I’m still unclear, Dude, and I wish you would just answer the question: Are you or are you NOT in leadership?

Strange how his earlier apology — a month before — seemed to have worn off, like Novacaine. I get it, Dude. Saying you’re sorry can feel like a root canal.

My response to Dude:

You know, I’m happy FOC is so great for (Dude), but honestly, coming in here and speaking that way is like trying to sell the awesomeness of peanuts to a roomful of people with deadly peanut allergies. Look, we tried peanuts and they nearly killed us. You peanut lovers, eat away, but you need to be OKAY with those of us who choose not to partake because it proved detrimental to our health.

(Dude), let’s imagine a scenario for a minute. Let’s imagine, oh, your best friend’s wife cheated on him and he found out. Let’s imagine he’s utterly devastated. Let’s imagine HE — the injured party — tries and tries to work it out with her, all to no avail. Then let’s imagine because of his pain, because of his wife’s unrepentance and unwillingness to work it out, he feels he must leave his wife. Would you, in the face of your friend’s horrible grief and betrayal, dare to say to him, “But SHE ROCKS! SHE IS AN AWESOME WIFE!! When are you going to come around to that? Just get over your bitter self and go back! She will welcome you with open arms!!”

(She won’t admit anything wrong or she’ll throw it back on you ….. but “GO BACK! SHE IS AWESOME!!!”)

That’s essentially what you’re doing to those of us here who’ve been really hurt or abused or wronged or betrayed by FOC. It’s not a perfect analogy, I know. You’re that guy callously demanding that your broken friend go back to the unrepentant spouse. You’re that guy expecting your human hurting friend to just GET OVER — on your timeline — some massive spiritual and emotional damage.

Processing things of this nature takes TIME, (Dude). I am not Jesus. I am human. I need the GRACE of time. I need the GRACE to have a human reaction. Do I need to forgive? Yes. Forgiving can hard enough when someone asks us for forgiveness, but when it’s not asked for, not even sought, that doubles my load of forgiveness. I must forgive what was done and THEN forgive that there’s total unrepentance about what was done. Can you understand that, (Dude)?

I truly hope you’re never injured by a church in a similar way. I also hope no one whose “soul you end up shepherding” is ever hurt BY you — not until you learn, really learn, to develop the compassionate heart of Jesus. I don’t know if they teach that in seminary. You may have to ask the Holy Spirit to give you some. And, in my experience, whenever I’ve asked the Holy Spirit for more of this quality or that quality — it’s funny. He puts me in situations where I need to exercise that quality but can only do so with HIS help. Maybe you’re continuing to read here because the Lord wants you to learn compassion for his hurting sheep FOR YOUR SAKE. For the sake of your future as a pastor. Maybe God’s intent for your readership here isn’t to chastise the hurting. Maybe it’s something that has more to do with compassion. Just a thought.

You chastising me and others about how we need to COME BACK and GET OVER OURSELVES is not likely to produce that outcome. It’s like you’re some cheerleader at a wake. It’s just not appropriate.

I admit — I’m taking your attitude quite personally because I went to YOUR church. I know exactly who you are. I’m glad you like your church. I’m glad that’s true for you. But your church hurt me. And that is true for ME. Accept that. You ARE representing your church, whether you like it or not. You’re in leadership, as you’ve repeatedly stated.

And I don’t think your tone and insensitivity represent your church very well.

Dude, Dude, Dude.

I had a flicker of hope for you with your change-ish of heart, but then — poof! — it died.

23 Replies to “a sampling of the mindset #2”

  1. I don’t know about Duder, but I like this from you:

    And, in my experience, whenever I’ve asked the Holy Spirit for more of this quality or that quality — it’s funny. He puts me in situations where I need to exercise that quality but can only do so with HIS help.

    That poked me with a sharp stick, it did. Got something to think about now.

  2. “FOC ROCKS!!!!”

    Just saying it don’t make it so, bro.

    Typical cult mindset. If you keep saying the same thing, repeatedly, people eventually will cave.

    Also “rocks”? Please don’t try to be hip, Dude. You’re making me uncomfortable.

  3. sheila — /Please don’t try to be hip, Dude. You’re making me uncomfortable./


    But he IS hip, Sheila. He’s young. He’s 32, but he’s been around. Do you know he leads worship and is a former pastor??? DUDE ROCKS!!!

    The word “hip” instantly made me think of his strange hip-forward issues.

    And, yeah, Dude, you’re “young,” but you’re not as young as you sound. There’s being young at heart and there’s being immature. Not the same things.

  4. It’s always interesting to see the rabid FOCers comment because they always follow a pattern:

    ~ You’re all bitter horrible toads.

    ~ Possibly liars.

    ~ Although I haven’t really read this site.

    ~ You need to work it out with your brother.

    ~ The stuff you’re talking about here doesn’t happen at MY FOC.

    ~ God is unhappy with your attitudes.

    ~ Oh, and FOC ROCKS!!!

    They all sing the same song and they CANNOT RECOGNIZE it if it’s pointed out to them. The knee-jerk need to defend a CHURCH defines them. It’s become their entire personality — and more important to them than Jesus.

    The thing is everyone at these sites who’s left FOC has tried and tried and tried to work it out. And they’re not bitter. They may be hurt or angry. But bitterness is something else altogether. I think bitterness is allowing that hurt to fester in unforgiveness. I love what Lewis Smedes says in his amazing book on forgiveness “The Art of Forgiveness”: “Forgiveness isn’t anti-anger; it’s anti-HATE.”

    That has always stuck with me. These hurting people don’t HATE. They may be angry, but they don’t hate.

    And just because these defenders haven’t seen these things at “their” FOC doesn’t mean the things aren’t happening. It likely means they’re super-compliant and don’t ask questions.

  5. Tracey, it may be worse… it may be that they see them but it doesn’t affect them so it doesn’t matter. I hope not, though.

    And YOU rock! This is an AWESOME BLOG! Why can’t anyone see that??!?!one!


  6. I want to take back the word rocks. I use it without irony and am rather pissed that it has been co-opted by the likes of dude. Stop perverting my phraseology, guy.

  7. I’m with Cullen…

    You know at a certain point you’ve got to accept that your particular church isn’t for everyone. I’ve been trying to convince our pastor of this when someone comes to our church a few times and then decides on another church.

    You know you’ve pushed to hard when the potential members have to use the old “It’s not you, it’s me” gimmick…

    In other news… sarahk is PREGNANT??!!

  8. If they find out, just tell them I’m your poor retarded friend and you had to tell me early just so I would realize it at the same time as everyone else.

  9. I have to ask, what is with the sheep fixation?

    All I can think about is the one hymn from church many years ago that started with, “Oh we, like sheep”–but my mom would always sing it as if that comma were missing. (I’m telling you, when the choir is upstairs it leads to a lot of misbehaving.)

  10. sarahk — Well, of course, I wouldn’t. Hahahahahahaha.

    Kate P — Yes, Dude’s really obsessed with being a dumb sheep. To aspire to dumbness is to REALLY lower the bar.

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