shopping for the sudden yurt commune

So, yes, tonight, I’m window shopping for additions to our Sudden Yurt Commune and I cannot believe what I just found. So so gorgeous.

Now, I know we’re all about yurts. I still LOVES me the yurt: I want a yurt, I need a yurt, and I even recently considered a missions trip to Mongolia — I kid you not — until I realized I was thinking more of all the beautiful yurts I would stay in than how I might, you know, serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, yeah, that didn’t work out. Jesus was none too pleased, I guess, which is weird. I mean, you’d think he’d like yurts.

So I’m here, stateside — not in Mongolia, flopped in a yurt, throwing up yak’s milk. Fine. Whatever. You adjust. You deal with disappointment. You move on. (I said you do; I myself do not.)

Oh, and you also shop for additions to your Sudden Yurt Commune and stumble upon a new type of shelter for your little piece of collective heaven. Not a replacement of the yurt, no, never, but a supplement to the bliss, an enhancement to the joy.

Oh, look. Just look.

Gorgeous, refurbished gypsy caravans.

Morning caravans

Moonlight caravans ….. ablaze and magical

Some interiors



(All caravans from designer Jeane Bayol.)

Can you see it? A few of these for our commune? Along with our yurts.

And our hippie motorhome.

And our flagship.

You know, actually, they seem like they could be conjugal visit caravans.

I’m sorry. I didn’t just say that. No, really, I didn’t. Go have your conjugal visits out in the woods, you naughty little beatniks.

Because these would be for reading books from our book swap! Or having tea and nibbling blueberry scones baked by Jayne, our beloved chef and slave! Or extra space for sleeping off our mulberry wine hangovers!

Or, well, whatever suggestions you might have, you shiftless vagrants.

But aren’t they fabulous?

Gypsy caravans for The Sudden Yurt Commune!!

23 Replies to “shopping for the sudden yurt commune”

  1. Oooh, those are gorgeous, Tracey! Definitely a necessary supplement to the SYC!! I’m baking scones as we speak. Okay, I’m typing, not speaking. But you get the idea.

  2. Wow, Master Payne’s Circus of Adventure… These are simply gorgeous. You know, the yurts can be home base, and we can just make trips in these. We’ll be like hippie GI Joes with their various (highly collectable!) tanks, copters, and such. How we roll depends all on our vibe level, ya dig?

  3. These are very, very pretty! Now I feel like I need to learn some type of gypsy entertaining trade thing. Who’s going to do the fire breathing? Maybe some belly dancing? Story telling? I imagine wearing long flowing skirts with bells at the bottom!

  4. Kathi — You may belly dance for us.

    See what happens when you bring things up? You just volunteered! Weeeee! SO looking forward to your performance!

  5. Those are Tiny Houses for the poet soul.
    But Tiny Houses come in all styles- which is why I love them so much.
    Just Google “Tiny House”, follow the links and pick the one that speaks to you.
    I have my eye on an itsy-bitsy prairie farmhouse, myself.
    O, Pioneers!

  6. Those remind me of some place I read about in National Geographic, an old camp run by Methodists (??) on the Jersey shore. All the cabins were teeny-tiny and they looked out over a town square overlooking the beach with maybe a band shell?

    I don’t remember the details, but it enchanted this land-locked Midwestern child — little beach cabins where you did nothing but listen to a band and walk on the beach.

  7. Lisa! That’s Ocean Grove, NJ, and yes, run by the Methodist Camp Association (IIRC). About fifteen minutes from my house. All y’all are gonna have to roll these caravans into my neighborhood for a while.

    True story – the old Neptune High School is right on the corner of the main drag into Ocean Grove, beside the old gates they used to close every Saturday evening… the town used to forbid vehicular traffic on the sabbath. (They took the gates down in the early seventies.) Jack Nicholson graduated from that high school, and walked those very halls. Now it’s a performing arts center. Ladybug and I have seen a few productions in their restored auditorium – maybe 200 or 300 seats, but the shows were top-flight. Into the Woods was incredibly well-done. So, our SYC can put on a show and everything – to quote Winston Zeddmore, we’ve got the tools, and we’ve got the talent.

    And they do permit Catholics… Ladybug and I will meet you at Nagle’s, Sheila!

  8. Okay, looking at the Ocean Grove tent city right now. Adorable!! I love that whole stretch of beach anyway – I do weekend writing retreats in Avon (which is right nearby) and all of that Victorian architecture mixed with the beach being right there is just a great atmosphere.

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