riverbank yurts in alaska

Oooh, drooling. Look, look, look, pippa. I could see this as the beginnings of our Sudden Yurt Commune.


My Amish hippie self is all a’twitter.


See how this would work? One of us — oh, let’s just say me — could be in the one yurt, waking up, hungry, wander out onto the deck and yell down to the other yurt maybe something like, oh, “Hey, Jayne! Come on, Peaches, wake up! Them five dozen eggs ain’t gonna scramble theirselves! And bring Julia fer me to gobble! Uhm, stat, etc. No, I am not a despot, thank you very much!”

You know, as a small example of the daily JOY you will all find living with me at The Sudden Yurt Commune.

Also note that my grammar will take a steep and sudden nosedive.

But we’ll be livin’ in them yurts! Who keers??

28 Replies to “riverbank yurts in alaska”

  1. As long as we have plenty of DEET products available to us. I hear the state bird of Alaska is the mosquito…

    But that looks like the PERFECT spot for the SYC. I’m putting on my bandana and my broomstick-pleated skirt with handpainted rainbows right now.

    I don’t actually have one of those skirts. But if I ever came to the SYC for real, I would make myself one. It simply must be.

  2. GraD — Oh, NO! Those skirts are outlawed at the SYC! I declare it!

    Jayne — Hahahaha. How we will abuse you. It’s terrible. But we love you.

  3. I think, then, my yurt will have to be VERY far away from everyone else’s, lest I be stomping around muttering under my breath like Gretchen Kraus as I am deputized YET AGAIN to prepare eggs or toast or God-knows-what for all my demanding neighbors.

  4. Good lord, ricki, this is a game.

    Jayne enjoys cooking for the masses (as I can attest) – it’s fun for her. Tracey knows that, so she employed her in her little post as the cook for all of us.

    What would be fun for you in the Yurt?

    Can we focus on that as opposed to imagining all of the things that will annoy us in our imaginary playland?

    Real life is tough enough. I’d like to not have annoyed people stomping around in my fantasy ruining MY imaginary time. That’s MY wish for my time at the yurt.

  5. What?? Well, any show using the word “slattern” I clearly need to be watching. Never mind the whole “I don’t have cable” thing.

    Thank you, sarahk, for that most vital update.

  6. ricki – your comments on the ongoing yurt game have, in general, been pretty negative – all the things you don’t like about camping or group living or what have you, and I guess I just had it in that moment.

    Can’t we please be happy in our imaginary place?

    That’s all I ask.

  7. I am swimming in that river right now. And after this, I will climb the rocks and the ladder and dry myself on the deck while writing more of my stories – and perhaps drink a margarita with lunch like the drunken slattern I’ve always dreamt I could be.

  8. From Merriam Webster:

    : an untidy, slovenly woman

    probably from German schlottern to hang loosely, slouch; akin to Dutch slodderen to hang loosely, slodder slut

    okay, so obviously you can be a slattern without being a drunken one, but it seems to be that drunkenness would certainly HELP.

  9. Heheheheh. It’s a reggae song, right?

    We’re slatterns
    We be slatterns
    Bringing slatterns back to you
    We’re slatterns
    Drunken slatterns
    And we hope you like slatterns too

  10. I was watching that sarahk! YES! Bill used the word slattern and shockingly made it work. It was kind of awesome. There’s nothing like having fictional civil war era vampires pitch in when you want to bring back an epithet.

    Um, I’ve never really been in on the yurt discussions previously, but I want to say that any plan that involves many and various awesome peeps living in what appear to be nouveau tree houses and sharing communal meals? Yeah. That’s my kind of living arrangement. I’ll make jambalaya and big pots of soup and homemade bread. We can take turns being in charge of playing music out the windows that will echo off the mountain walls for us to warble along to on lazy afternoons.

    Late at night we’ll sit around campfires with ukuleles and pick out little tunes about drunken slatterns and Gammie’s imagined misadventures.

  11. Oh, lemme tell ya story ’bout a girl so fine
    Poor drunken slattern, couldn’t keep herself in line
    Well one day she was out, shootin’ whiskey neat
    When she heard ’bout a group of folks t’get her on her feet

    (A commune, that is. Yurts. People. Pretty scenery.)

    All of a sudden, there’s a Internet fuss
    Yurt-folks saying, “Better move along with us
    The sudden cosmic yurt is the place you outta be
    Live a happy life with us, and don’t be slatternly

    (Well, maybe a little. We’ve got wine, and scrambled eggs, and charades.)

  12. NF — Hahahaha! You do not disappoint! I said to myself, “NF will come up with lyrics for this song; I KNOW it.” Hahahahaha! “and don’t be slatternly.”

    I’m dying.

    sheila — Yes, the new Dr. Pepper song. I think it will revitalize the whole company. “Wouldn’t you like to be a slattern too?”

    Oh, it’s amazing the little things that keep me going in life. Hahahahaha.

    Marisa — Oh! The Sudden Yurt Commune idea started here a few months ago when I posted some photos of a cool tent/yurt thingie. Things just took off from there. You are more than welcome in The Sudden Yurt Commune! In fact, I INSIST you come along. It has it’s own category in the side bar, if you want to catch up.

  13. I’m howling! These are great! I almost didn’t comment about slatterns here because I didn’t want to go off-topic, and I’m so so glad I did. Totally fits with the SYC.

    And FYI, for those who weren’t watching along with Marisa and me, here’s how it went:

    Bill has a 17-year-old vamp living with him (he turned her, on orders from higher-up vamps), and Sookie was coming over for some nookie. And Bill told the 17-y-o to get upstairs and change clothes before Sookie arrived. “I will nawt hayuv yew lookin’ like a sla-u-tuhn.” And she said, “A what?” Hahahahahaha. And the cackling commenced in my livingroom.

    And then when Sookie showed up, the girl was fresh out of the shower and wearing a towel. Mission not accomplished, Bill!

  14. Late to the Yurt Location Selection (YLS) meeting, but I must say: Looks like good feng shui. I plan to give up my cell phone and set up tin cans and string between each, uh, mini-yurt.

    BTW not only do we need slattern alerts, there should be a running slattern tally posted somewhere.

  15. That pic reminds of a place in northern Georgia called Big Canoe. My family stopped there a few times when we were living in Atlanta a long time ago. It’s a big development now, but it was just going back then. There were three or four of what are called “treetoppers” that partly circled a lodge. They looked like this:


    Only they weren’t set into a mountain. They looked like a bunch of mushroom cabins or something and were pretty much the coolest cabin I had ever seen at that point. I still like them.

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