more on “idol”

You know, since I live in San Diego, aka Adam Lambert Country, it was interesting to watch the local news coverage after Kris Allen won. THE LEAD STORY was basically how Adam was robbed — Adam was robbed — don’t you think, random dude on the street, that Adam Lambert was robbed?

Okay. Look. Enough with that. Adam’s being more gracious than that and he’s the one who didn’t win. Random dude on the street, uhm, this didn’t happen to you, okay? Clearly, when you get to the top two in Idol, you have to realize that maybe the other guy WILL win. There is a reason why that other contestant is there and you, as the other guy, must consider that that person might win. Just because someone is not as flashy doesn’t mean it’s safe to underestimate his appeal. And it looks like Adam did consider that, but Adam’s fans and the press and Simon Cowell, even, could not conceive of an Idol ending that didn’t include Adam as the winner. But I’m sorry, that’s just their own shortsightedness. I don’t want there to be this shadow over the win for Kris Allen, these whispers of “he really doesn’t deserve it” or something. Obviously, people voted for him. I voted for him and I haven’t voted on Idol since the first season.

People need to look at it this way: Adam is hugely talented. This is not a news flash, obviously. He’ll have no problem getting a record deal. Producers have got to be salivating over him right now. Plus, he’s free. He has a freedom now that Kris Allen doesn’t have, so no one should feel bad for him. No one. Kris Allen has the bigger burden now: the burden of the “Adam was robbed” whispers, the “it’s an anti-gay thing” whispers, and the burden of sudden fame on his brand new marriage. Look at his reaction last night when he won, “Ohh, Adam deserves this.” Even the new American Idol had seen the outcome as a foregone conclusion. I mean, that look on his face when his name was announced: Total shock.

It’s going to be hard for the kid. Overcoming all that. Especially if he thinks it himself, which I really don’t want him to do.

Adam is the better singer, it’s true. He has a God-given gift. But Kris may well be the better musician. And I happen to like his voice, too, but it’s not this soaring undeniable force that Adam has. Think about it. To the best of my knowledge, Kris is the first Idol winner to play both guitar and piano. (Apparently, he also plays the viola. I love that. I mean, who plays the viola?) The guy is a talented musician, he demonstrated that repeatedly over the season, and perhaps is more of a total package than Adam.

No, you’ll hear no boo-hoos from me for Adam. I mean, he’s not even boo-hooing for himself because he knows he doesn’t need to boo-hoo. He’s smarter than that and more gracious — which is nice. He knows the effect he’s had because he’s ALL ABOUT the effect. He knows he’ll be fine. Finer than fine.

Let’s just say “What a great finale with two great contestants who deserve whatever success comes their way.”

Because it’s true. They do. In my opinion, the best American Idol finale ever with the best top two ever.

3 Replies to “more on “idol””

  1. I agree 100% Tracey! Definitely the best finale, best top two. Best top 3, actually. They’ll both be around for years. And yes, I do think Kris is the best musician, Adam’s the best singer/performer.

    I wish them both well, and people need to chillax. Heck, Queen could ask him to come join them. he’d be so happy.

  2. I think Adam is bound by a Fox record deal, too, isn’t he? Maybe not, I don’t know.

    Here is Kris Allen Land (38 MILLION votes from Arkansas alone!) it is madness. I can only imagine what it will be like on July 25, when the Idol tour comes to Little Rock.

    (Did you get my e-mail from yesterday?)

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