okay, gammie

Look. I see you staring at me in the produce store. I see you. Don’t think I don’t. And, you know, Gammie, just because I have produce stickers stuck to the zipper of my hoodie, it doesn’t make me a weirdo.

I’m a weirdo because I have produce stickers deliberately stuck to the zipper of my hoodie, okay, Gammie? I have plans, and, yes, they involve produce stickers and what of it anyway and maybe you just need to CALM DOWN about it, Gams.

Really. Please. It’s not polite to stare.

You’re a gammie. You should know this.

8 Replies to “okay, gammie”

  1. You gotta post a picture of produce stickers on your zipper. This is something I *need* to see. hehe I’m afraid I’d be a lot like Gammie, except I would probably come right up to you and ask you why you had produce stickers on your zipper. I’m just like that, yanno?

  2. Is there a Kinsey Scale equivalent for strangeness? We need that. As wacky as a car full of clowns being a 6 and completely boring and normal would be a zero and it would be comforting to look at other people and realize that they, too, were at least a 4 on most days. Especially the ones wearing produce stickers.

    Heck, some days I feel like a 7.

    (Interesting note – I found a reference online to the phrase “Strange as humans.” Which is a phrase that makes PERFECT sense. And really says it all.)

    Anyway, I bet Gammie did some weird stuff in her day.

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