return immediately!

Okay. So I’m teaching myself Photoshop. Uhm, perhaps you could tell from this image? Anyhoo.

Here’s what I learned how to do in the last 24 hours, as evidenced by this admittedly ridiculous image:

1) Cut an illustration from its background.

2) Alter original illustration.

3) Lose original illustration because I altered it and didn’t save it separately or blah blah something like that, although, honestly, I’m really now sure how I managed to do that.

4) Save things like a crazy woman to the point where I now have, oh, 963 versions of this super scary tree photo I took.

5) Layer one thing on top of another without totally screwing it up. Hooray for me.

6) Use Photoshop text. I kin spel.

Photo that was the inspiration for my original, now lost, drawing, here. Now I know the face here looks nothing like my face in the photo. I was a chubby-faced four year old and she looks like a sad weary woman who just ended her shift at the cracker factory. So, let’s face it, the need for her to return immediately to the sudden yurt commune for the respite of some Twilight readings and Joycean charades is even more urgent, poor thing.

This whole thing came about from selecting a couple of totally random elements I’d scanned and just messing around with the program. This image is for no purpose other than experimentation because I learn best by just pressing buttons. Although, sometimes, it feels more like being the little kid who touches a burner and learns that the stove is hothothot, but, STILL, I am practicing Thee Olde Photoshoppe! Which is clearly necessary!


(Furthermore, if any of you are Photoshop experts and will let me barrage you with questions and moans and whines, I will give up my first dibs on the Sleep-It-Off Trailer for, you know, some mere round-the-clock, drop-of-a-hat assistance.)

10 Replies to “return immediately!”

  1. Yes, to Photoshop, you send Kevin an email. “Hey, I need Paula Abdul with a chicken on her shoulder and Kahra dressed up like a Christmas present.” And he sends it to you.

  2. And here I thought, “I’m sure sarahk will know.”

    No, sarahk, NO! I must learn!

    I’m basically in Photoshop pre-school crossing my clumsy fingers that soon I will graduate from my Pull-Ups to some big girl plastic sheets. Meanwhile, however, you all get to watch me wee all over my blog.

  3. It’s like something out of M. Night Shamalamadingdong’s “The Village.”

    don’t wear red. Red upsets them….

    (I never saw the movie but have seen trailers for it…)

  4. I have no clue about Photoshop but that warning poster is hilarious. Reminds me of those bible verse-motivational posters.

    My blog buddy Ashley at Our Little Apartment is awesome at Photoshop, and really nice, so maybe she’d entertain some questions.

  5. Tracey, I would really love to be good at it.

    I have done exactly one photoshop that required anything other than adding text to a picture and then resizing it. And I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it again. I need serious photoshop training myself and plan to learn it once the job ends. You’ll be well past me by then, and I’ll be the one weeing.

  6. I love Photoshop and wish I spent more time with it for fun. I get a bit burned out at work on the whole CS4 package. Someday I’ll be the wizard I hope to be. For now I tinker.

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