uhm, okay …

So the excerpts below have disappeared. When I go to the edit page, the whole post is also — poof! — gone. I haven’t even been online for several hours. Haven’t touched the blog since this morning.

Well, they were really fine excerpts from The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie. So, uhm, go buy the book and you’ll see what I was talking about, I guess. I’m not going to put the whole thing back together.

What is UP, Crackie??

11 Replies to “uhm, okay …”

  1. Hahahaha! I was wondering how long it had been like that. I’m a dork. My BLOG is a dork. Like, what, Tracey? Some post about periods, PMS, what? Maybe that should be the new name for it: The Enchantress of Flo.

    “How are you today, Tracey?”

    “Well, Sheila, you know, I’m doing all right. The Enchantress of Flo is visiting this week.”

    It all sounds so much more bewitching and magical.

  2. hahahaha I love how absurd your blog was today (again, I know it’s annoying – but still it is kind of funny)

    Enchantress of Flo sounds like one of those euphemisms that Judy Blume would use for menstruation in her young adult books.

    “Why are you sitting out of swim class, Margaret?”
    “Oh, you know, I’m under the enchantress of Flo.”
    “Of course.”

  3. Hahaha- I was thinking like Flo, the saucy waitress from “Alice”- “Kiss my grits!!!”
    But I like your Judy Blume one, better!

  4. Instead of being “on the rag” — um, ew on that anyway — we can all be “under the spell.” SO much better!

    Dear Mr. Rushdie,

    So I just wanted to write to tell you how much your book has inspired me ….

  5. Aaah, stop, you’re making me laugh so hard my post-pilates abs are hurting!

    Mentioning Flo will put it behind the counter at the bookstore for sure! They keep his other books there (otherwise they “walk off”) so I’ll have to check for it when I go to work Sunday.

  6. Oh, don’t think I’ll be sporting a two-piece swimsuit anytime–the flab will probably always be with me! But making me laugh so hard it hurts is a good thing.

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