cleanse the palate

To erase any distress caused from certain revelations in the post below, I offer the trump card of greater distress to cleanse the palate. And as penance. Let’s not forget penance.

Please absorb this image of Robin Williams crying, one can only assume, over his superfluously hairy arms:


12 Replies to “cleanse the palate”

  1. OH. My. Word.

    Are we REALLY sure the Neandertals died out?

    Maybe I’m an oddball among women but I just find men that are that furry (or even less furry than the example above) a big turn-off. (Then again, I’m not high-maintenance enough to tell a guy, “Go get some Nads*, dude!”)

    (*This is a real, if very unfortunately named, product. It’s some kind of depilatory wax they used to advertise on late-night tv)

  2. ricki — You raise a good point: What is the deal with Nads??? I seen this product and I think I heard it’s named after the woman’s daughter or something, but it has me completely confused. First, whose daughter has the name or nickname “Nads”?? And then, is she unfamiliar with the term, uhm, “nads”?? It’s a bit of a mind boggle to me.

  3. I kind of want a copy of that book – the one of all the famous people crying. I don’t know why I’m fascinated by it but I am. I’ve seen some of the other images and they don’t look like glycerine tears – these people (famous, all of them) are weeping. Kind of an interesting concept.

    And yes. Nads. Ew. In Rhode Island (and perhaps elsewhere) “nads” is slang for a certain part of the male anatomy.

    One of my best friends is hairy as Robin Williams. Always has been. One day, on a whim, he had had it – I think he had an audition the next day for soap or something, so he had to take his shirt off. He was done with being “the hairy beast”. He walked into a salon and requested that they wax his back. \

    He had no idea what he was getting into. There’s a scene in 40 year old Virgin that shows exactly his experience.

    Meanwhile, his skin was so irritated from the waxing that he couldn’t go to the audition anyway!

    He was like, “NEVER AGAIN.”

  4. Okay, so here is what this blog made me just do. I went and looked up the derivation for “nads”. It came up in every urban dictionary as the same meaning, so obviously it is NOT just Rhode Island.

    But here I am, a grown woman, putting into the Google search box:

    “derivation of ‘nads’ slang”

  5. Oh, sheila! Hahahahaha! “Please, O Internet, tell me the origins of ‘nads.'”

    (And yes, it means the same thing here in SD. Tho’ I didn’t know this term — I’m serious — until I met MB. Because of my internal Amishness. He’s a corrupting influence, that man. Which I shouldn’t say because it’s his birthday today. Quick, make it better, Tracey. Happy Birthday, Major Corrupting Influence of My Life!)

    And yes, the pictures of celebrities crying. I thought it was just men?? Anyway, funny you mention you’re fascinated with it, because I have, uhm, a whole file of these, with male celebrities. Not that I’m taking delight in these images of men crying, no, but it’s interesting. They all seem to be really crying. Kinda raw and intimate.

    Although this one …. well, I just have Robin Williams issues. I just DO. He could be as smooth as a new baby’s bottom and I would still. have. issues.

  6. I have issues with him, too, especially when he tries to be cuddly and likable. Please stop, Robin!

    Is it just men?

    I need to get the book. Some people seem to be outright sobbing. It’s really interesting to me.

    Happy birthday, MB!!!!

  7. Cuddly Robin Williams just shivers me timbers. Ugh. Do not attempt to cuddle me, Robin Williams. I do not want to be lost in your forest without any bread crumbs.

    Also: It’s Baby Banshee’s birthday, too! The little peanut.

  8. Holy Son of Wolfman, T! Penance involves a hair SHIRT, not a hairy celebrity!

    I agree with your explanation of the name for the “Nads” depilatory–what, don’t they get “Beavis ‘n’ Butt-head” in Australia? (Mm-heh, mm-heh.)

    Yay for (your) MB’s b-day, and Baby Banshee’s, too! Hope they got the royal treatment.

  9. Well, there’s the scientific term “gonads” which can be ovaries or testes (or I suppose if some species has some kind of other gamete-producing organ, it would apply too).

    I knew someone who went to a college where they had a large medical school and nursing program. They had intramural softball teams. One of them was named the Nads. So they could cheer for them: “Go, Nads! Go, Nads!”

    Biologists are weird but they are MY people.

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