what to do when you’re awake at 3:28 a.m.

— do crunches on your exercise ball

— quietly try on clothes, seeing if those just-now crunches have changed everything

— stop trying on clothes

— sit on bed wondering why you tried on clothes

— decide you hate all your clothes

— crawl back in bed, wondering how much you could make if you sold your cache of Halloween anti-depressants — the, oh, 6-month supply given to you by a concerned loved one — on the street

— no, seriously, actually do this

— handwash some dainties in the bathroom sink, turning on the water just barely so as not to wake the other person in the house, the one lying there quietly, flaunting his sleep prowess

— contemplate waking him up for no other reason but to share your pain

— decide this has too many far-reaching consequences

— calculate again the untold riches that await you if you just, you know, become a drug dealer

— mentally work on your emo version of “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” from “My Fair Lady”

— wonder what emo is

— finally fall asleep wondering about emo, have a dream about Elmo


9 Replies to “what to do when you’re awake at 3:28 a.m.”

  1. Your “witching hour” experiences seem far more creative than mine.

    Although at 12:57 this morning, I muttered at the cat for attempting to hog the bed when I came back from the loo. Maybe I’ll be up at 3:28 *this* a.m., wondering what is up with her horizontal sprawl.

  2. Maybe we should all set a specific time to blog and talk about the weird things we “difficult sleepers” and insomniacs do when awakened in the middle of the night. Is there a chat room where we could go and talk about (in my case) the celebrities that show up in my dreams? The Husband at my house can apparently sleep through just about anything. Ahhh to have the sleep of the dead.

  3. CV — I never used to have insomnia. Ever. It’s kinda stress induced right now, I think.

    And yes, I think you must discuss the celebrities who show up in your dreams, you lucky girl.

    I dreamed the other night that I went out for frozen yogurt. That was the entire dream: I ate frozen yogurt. Ice cream’s phony cousin. Maybe I just don’t deserve to sleep.

    Mary — Emo is some kind of punk rock. To the best of my knowledge. 😉

  4. Man. All I ever do is curl up in a ball and cry (“I have to teach a class at 8 am tomorrow! WHY CAN’T I SLEEP?!?!”) or stomp around the house muttering curses at whoever or whatever it is that is keeping me awake.

  5. What is it about these husbands??? We can crawl into bed, and he is asleep in 30 seconds, and I’m still awake an hour later??

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