r.i.p. dan fogelberg

Oh, I’m just so sad about this. So sad. Too young to be gone. I wrote about him briefly here. How his soaring music was the soundtrack to a certain phase of my life.


“Scarecrow’s Dream”

Seldom seen
A scarecrow’s dream
I hang in the hopes of replacement
Castles tall
I built them all
But I dream that I’m trapped in
the basement.

And if you ever hear me calling out
And if you’ve been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and make-believe
I can be found.

Plans I’ve made
A masquerade
Fading in fear of the coming day
Heroes’ tales
Like nightingales
Wrestle the wind as they run away.

And if you ever hear them calling out
And if you’ve been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and make-believe
I can be found.

Garden gate
An empty plate
Waiting for someone to come and fill
Scarecrow’s dreams
Like frozen streams
Thirst for the fall
But they’re running still.

And if you ever hear me calling out
And if you’ve been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and make-believe
I can be found.

Farewell, Scarecrow. Thank you for your music.

8 Replies to “r.i.p. dan fogelberg”

  1. One of my favorite Christmas-ish songs is his Another Auld Lang Syne (plus I love his other songs – the melodies and the stories).

    Was so sad to read about this this morning. 🙁

  2. It’s cold and I’m sitting in a car somewhere, lots of somewheres, because this happened all the time……………….
    You’ve arrived at your destination. And you can’t get out of the car until the Fogelberg song is over on the radio. It was one of those rare kinds of music that ran across the generations………..I have memories of my Dad sitting in the car and listening too.

    I thought about Same Auld Lange Syne just this past week and was hoping someone would play it on the radio………..this time of year begs for it. AND…..

    I heard from an old flame from high school last week who I haven’t seen since our 20 year reunion. He is someone for whom the stroll down memory lane is quite poignant and he wanted to make amends with me. Funny though, I had rinsed away the bad and only kept the good so there was nothing that needed “amending”. But it put me further in the mood for those songs of Dan Fogelberg. I think he wrote part of soundtrack for many of out lives.

  3. Auld Lang Syne has literally been the story of my life. I first heard the song when I was a kid, and didn’t understand it – although the melancholy (yet joyful – how did he do it??) song touched a chord in me … a chord I was too young to understand then. Now I understand the true profundity of that song. It’s a perfect song. It really is.

    Rest in peace.

    A sad sad day.

  4. I loved Same Old Lang Syne as a girl, too. I didn’t understand all of it, but thought it was really sweet. I did understand friends moving away, I and hoped I would run into them some day as an adult in a grocery store and share a beer in the parking lot. Who knew the day would come when you could google an old friend and shoot them an email? And who knew I would never acquire a taste for beer? Hopefully if I ever run into an old friend (or lover) in a grocery store on Christmas Eve they will be happy splitting a six pack of wine coolers or ginger ale.

    My dear friend posted here that the song Longer Than makes her think that it is God singing to her. I love that. It will make me think of that from now on, too.

  5. In the back of our Ford van while dad was driving the freeways of California we were soothed by the melodic voice of Dan coming over the AM. His songs bring back some of the best memories. He’ll be missed.

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