heading north

Well, peeps, we’re hitting the high desolate roadways today. I’ll be incommunicado over the holiday.

I want to say how thankful I am for all of you — for your readership, support, humor, everything! I don’t say it often enough — and shame on me — but you guys are the best. Thank you for choosing to spend a piece of your day hanging around here! 😉

I wish you all the happiest, coziest, warmest of Thanksgivings!!

5 Replies to “heading north”

  1. Hey Tracey,

    Thanks for opening up your house to us! I enjoy stopping by to visit every day or so…if I ever figure out the RSS thingy I could stop visiting multiple times a day to see whose comments I’ve missed!

    I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine! We had 17 people over for supper on WD for our Indian meal. I then stayed up till 3A making 6 pies for TH. We than had 26 people for supper on TH night. At 3P my husband starts panicking b/c the turkey is only 150 degrees and it needs to be 170 by 4P. He thinks we need to put it in the oven. I persuade him to wait a bit. Finally at 4P with it still at 150 we bring it inside. At 5P when I’m smelling it cooking I decide to look at it. The thermometer is out but I can tell the meat is just falling off the bone! I tell him it is DONE! He says it can’t be b/c it’s not 170 degrees. I look at the thermometer that is sitting on the counter and has been there for about 5 minutes or so. It is registering 200 degrees. In the background I hear him saying the thermometer won’t be registering correctly since it’s not in the bird. I say how hot do you think it needs to be!!! This bird must be over 200 degrees since thermometer is still that high!!! He looks at the thermometer and gets very red in the face…he’s a chemist and the thermometer has two scales fahrenheit and celsius…he was looking at the celsius side!!!! Most of our company are chemists as well so they completely understood how he got it confused. The turkey was just a touch dry but all but a few bits of the 24 lb bird were devoured…

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