regional curiosity

In the city/town/burg/hamlet where you live:

1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

2) Do you have Target stores?

3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

4) Do you have Ikea stores?

5) What is the price of gas right now?

6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

If you answer, will you please copy and paste the questions into the comments section, then answer them? That way, everyone can read the questions and the answers together. Muchas gracias.

37 Replies to “regional curiosity”

  1. 1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?
    Wal-Mart (of course), Win Dixie, Fred’s, Publix. I love Publix as a grocery store. Very clean, very well organized.

    2) Do you have Target stores?

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?
    In my lifetime? Maybe 5. I really hate what they do to coffee, but, no, I won’t be able to do you that favor.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    5) What is the price of gas right now?
    $2.85 regular unleaded.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?
    We have several of the popular chains — Applebees, Ruby Tuesday, Red Lobster, etc. — and they are all very popular. One chain that just opened recently is called Locos Grill & Pub. It’s a chain that started in Athens, Ga., in 1988. They serve bugers and other American food and are fantastic.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?
    Atlanta and Jacksonville are about the same distance from me. I don’t really follow sports though.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?
    Not here I don’t. When I was going to school in Louisiana three years ago, it was what all the 18 to 20-somethings on campus were doing. I’ve finished up school here, but I think the campuses here have rules against wearing sleepwear to class. I certainly don’t see it out around town.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?
    I have no clue. I am so out of the “thing” loop.

  2. 1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    We have a wal-mart supercenter and a couple of “redneck” (the rural version of “ghetto”) grocery stores. I shop at the wal-mart most of the time. Not so much because I like it, but because I hate it less than the redneck stores.

    There’s a Kroger 1/2 hour south of me that I do like to shop at, but with the price of gas, I don’t go there often.

    2) Do you have Target stores?

    Not in my town. 1/2 hour south of me. I do shop there as often as I get down that way. I like Target.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    Never. There’s one – say it with me – in the city 1/2 hour from me. I have picked up their cups on my monthly “I’m de-garbaging the street I live on because I hate living in filth” forays. It really ticks me off that I’m picking up detritus from businesses that don’t even exist in my town…it’s like, you carried the cup for 35 miles in your car, you’re throwing it out NOW?

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    What is this “Ikea” you speak of?

    (And no – no Trader Joe’s. No Wild Oats/Whole Foods. Nothing really very “upmarket.”)

    5) What is the price of gas right now?

    I paid $2.79 about a week ago, think it’s up a dime or so now.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    Most of the chain restaurants here are fast food. Once in a while I’ll go to Chick-Fil-A and get the plain chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun, some of their waffly fries, and a lemonade.

    I don’t eat out a lot.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    No, don’t root for any teams.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    Yes. Mostly females.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    No idea. I’ve been told that in the city 1/2 hour south of me there’s a sizable gay community but I’m not really aware of it. I don’t know that people are “out” enough here to actually have a whole neighborhood. There’s a certain amount of anti-gay sentiment here, it seems (based on things I’ve heard people say.)

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

    Mostly gossip about other people – who’s in trouble with the law, who’s getting divorced. It’s a smaaaaaaallll town in many ways.

  3. In the city/town/burg/hamlet where you live:
    I live in a suburb of a major metro area. Actually, two large cities – you can see us from space- but I will only answer for my own town.
    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?
    Albertsons, Kroger and Tom Thumb and the Super Wal-Mart. I’m a big fan of the “old” Kroger, because it’s laid out like a regular grocery store, instead of a lab rat maze and doesn’t fry your brain with extraneous choices.
    2) Do you have Target stores?
    We have a regular Target, and the next ‘burb north has a Super Target.
    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me? the 2 regular ones and the mini one in the ‘new’ Kroger. This is so shallow, but they give me a brief feeling of being cool, so no. The only other place to get coffee would be the 7-11 or the Donut Palace, otherwise known as the “Copyright Infringement Store’. They have a huge mural with all the major Sesame Street characters and absolutely no Tm or other acknowlegement.
    4) Do you have Ikea stores? There is an Ikea in a nearby ‘burb – it serves the whole North Texas area. I hate to admit how much I love it. The first time we visited, I was like “Oh, honey – let’s sell the house and make everybody come get their stuff and then we could live an adorable little Ikea vignette. Okay? Please?”
    5) What is the price of gas right now? between 2.99 and 3.15. Less if you go to Racetrack.
    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there? I’m assuming you mean local chain, not multi-national. People here can, and do, spend actual time debating the merits of Dickey’s vs. Marshall’s Bar-B-Que – the meats, the sauces, the sides. We eat at one of them at least once, and possibly twice, a week. Marshall’s has the best iced tea in town – very important.
    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them? The Cowboys, the Mavs, the Stars, the Rangers and I couldn’t care less.
    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public? Once or twice, but it didn’t catch on.
    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called? Not here – but Dallas has a large one: Turtle Creek. Ever heard of the Turtle Creek Chorale?
    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about? The massive water-park like additions to the public pools.

  4. Interesting questions! And I’d love to hear everyone’s answers too.

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    QFC, Safeway, Fred Meyer, Whole Foods Market, PCC, Thriftway, Trader Joes. I tend to shop at Whole Foods Market and Trader Joes the most. Mostly because I can get bulk foods at WFM and flour for baking & staples at TJ. Vegetables I buy all over, but now that summer is coming the Farmers Markets are back. Yeah!

    2) Do you have Target stores?


    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    It’s hard to get away from them and we stop going 3-4 years ago. But before that… Hmmm, maybe somewhere in the 20 range.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?


    5) What is the price of gas right now?

    $3.47 a gallon I think is the last price we paid.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    Red Robin. They serve gourmet type hamburgers and fluffy mixed drinks. We occassionally eat there.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    Sonics, Seahawks, Mariners. We don’t watch sports. Sorry.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    Occassionally, but not very often.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    Yes, Capital Hill.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

    I don’t know. I am so out of the loop.

  5. This is a very thoughtful survey! O.K., I’m in suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. Hopefully this isn’t TMI.

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please? Super Fresh, Genuardi’s (recently bought by Safeway), Giant (recently took over Clemens), ACME, Whole Foods (formerly Fresh Fields). I don’t really count Trader Joe’s b/c they don’t carry everything, but I wish they did and that their produce was nicer. I usually shop at Genuardi’s b/c the produce seems relatively better. I just hate all the Safeway stuff taking over the shelves. If I was willing to drive a lot farther I would totally go to Wegman’s (which I did when I lived in the far western ‘burbs) but rumor has it one is coming to the area. My sister took me to hers in Northern VA and I had total envy–we don’t have booze at our supermarkets in PA. 🙁

    2) Do you have Target stores? Yes and more are coming by the day. They’re not all that. I miss Clover.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me? Not that many; if I buy coffee I usually get it at Wawa and take it home. Anyway, the 2 at the large mall my work owns (it’s across the street from the office), the 2 closest to where I currently live, maybe one at a rest stop on the turnpike. The employees seem so clueless it’s likely they could blow up the store themselves loading the machines wrong.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores? I think we had the first or second one in the country. About 3 years ago it moved to a bigger location and it’s taken this long to re-lease that old yellow building. Also they opened one in the city.

    5) What is the price of gas right now? (digging out receipt from checkbook) Last Thursday I paid $2.959/gal and that was at a mid-priced place. I think it has inched up since.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there? Cheesecake Factory is still going hot across the street. People are willing to wait a loooong time for really heavy food, but thankfully they will be expanding their space soon and that might help. I enjoyed it more when my brother worked there. I don’t think the food is good enough to wait and I’d rather have a burger and seasoned fries at Bennigan’s or a salad at Bertucci’s.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them? Our teams are so bad people feel compelled to root for other cities’ teams. Ask anyone.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public? Not so much recently but about a year ago I was picking up chinese food and this girl seemed embarrassed to have to wait for her order in her frog-printed pajama pants. Ever since the temp got above 60 people are dressing like it’s 90 so most 20-somethings are wearing shorts.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called? Well, the city just officially declared one section “the Gayborhood” (the event sounded totally cheesy–Barking Spider at Nightfly’s blogged on it) b/c they’re desperate for tourists (hey, maybe stopping crime would help) but I always think of Mt. Airy or New Hope first.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about? I don’t think anything in particular but the local news station won’t shut up about every little thing the NJ governor has been doing since his car accident. I’m pretty sure last night some reporter made up the verb “crutching” to describe how he was getting around and I just about barfed.

  6. 1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    In my town, the major store is Pathmark. This is good – because the rest of my choices are tiny bodegas where my choice of food groups are
    1. donuts
    2. tequila
    3. pampers
    4. Roach killer
    5. popsicles

    It’s a bleak situation. Pathmark isn’t ideal. I prefer Whole Foods – but there isn’t one near me.

    2) Do you have Target stores?

    In the next town over, thank the Lord above.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    It’s gotta be up there. 25? 30? They’re on every corner in Manhattan. I also visited the flagship Starbucks in Belfast.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    Not near me.

    5) What is the price of gas right now?

    I don’t have a car so I’m not up to the minute – but I know it’s insanely high.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    Applebee’s. Basic family fare. I do not go to Applebee’s.

    Another one is Chevy’s – the ginormous Mexican restaurant chain. I actually like them and do go there sometimes if i’m in the mood.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    I cannot answer this question without seeing mists of red rage floating before my eyes.

    Suffice it to say: NO. I most certainly do NOT root for the teamg geographically closest to me.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    No. Is that a trend? I have not seen it.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    Not in my specific town, no. But in Manhattan it’s called: “the entire island”. No, just kidding. In Manhattan, it’s called “Chelsea”. And I lived in the gay ‘hood when I lived in Chicago, and that was referred to as “Boy’s Town”.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

    Paris in the pokey.

  7. Oh and in my defense – I am not a Starbucks fan. I don’t like their coffee.

    HOWEVER, as I believe I have mentioned before: they are now on every corner in Manhattan, and each one has a very clean public restroom. Very important here in these bleak urban streets.

  8. Just to put it all in persepective, I live in the Portland, OR area:

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please? – Safeway, Fred Meyer and Albertson’s seem to be the big chains. I shop at WinCo because it’s the cheapest (I have to bag my own groceries).

    2) Do you have Target stores? – Yep – my kiddos adore going there.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me? – I’ve been to about 8 in our area. It’s crazy up here – on one corner there are 3 Starbucks (2 are in grocery stores). Go downtown Portland and there seems to be one everywhere you look.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores? – We’re getting one in July! Yippee! No more trips to Seattle just to go to Ikea.

    5) What is the price of gas right now? – ranges from $3.35 to $3.41.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there? – We have the standard Chevy’s, Applebee’s, and mall finds (Panda Express, McD’s). But, we’ve also got a P.F. Chang’s (yummy!) and Outback Steakhouse, and McCormick and Schmicks (seafood). Our Northwest equivalent of In ‘n Out (I miss so dearly!) is Burgerville, but it’s much more expensive.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them? – Basketball: Blazers (suck!), and a Baseball: drive to Seattle to see the Mariners. I’m not a fan of either sport, so I could care less.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public? – I mostly see teenagers wearing these. But, the fad seems to have passed.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called? – I’m sure that there’s one in Portland somewhere, but I have no idea where.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about? – that would probably have to be the gas prices and how people are rethinking their camping plans this summer because they don’t want to drive and pay for gas.

  9. Let’s try this again!

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    We have a Super Wal-Mart and a Kroger. I like both of them, but for different reasons. Wal-Mart’s prices are cheaper, so if I need a LOT of things, I’ll go there. Kroger is more convenient, so if I only need food, or just a few things, I’ll stop there.

    2) Do you have Target stores?

    Yes. We have a brand-new one about 1 mile from my house.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    I only visit S’bucks at the holiday season (for their Eggnog Chai Latte). Our new Target has a S’bucks in it, AND there’s another S’bucks in front of the Target, which is retarded, I think.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    No. No no no no no. We suck.

    5) What is the price of gas right now?


    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    We have a Chili’s (also in front of Target). They serve whatever it is that Chili’s serves and yes, we go there. A loves the cheese dip.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    We have the Arkansas Travelers minor league baseball team, and I guess I root for them. I don’t root AGAINST them.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    Good lord, yes. With slippers. Ye gads.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    Not in my small town, but Little Rock has one. It’s the Heights.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

    Here in my town it’s the latest school millage election. Are you bored yet?

  10. Pingback: The Nightfly
  11. Funny story about Applebee’s: One Sunday after church, the boys and I ate there. Three meals (one of which was an appetizer, for A) and the check was $40. FORTY. DOLLARS.

    We went to Shreveport, LA a couple of weeks ago, and ate at Joe’s Crab Shack (because I think it’s the law or something, plus, coconut shrimp!). Three MEALS meals and I even had a Hurricane (because it IS the law in LA) and our bill was $35.

    Screw you, Applebees.

  12. Hahaha! I am loving all your answers.

    Kate — What is Wawa??


    1. donuts
    2. tequila
    3. pampers
    4. Roach killer
    5. popsicles

    Hahaha! The 5 major food groups!!

    Lisa — Your Target stores sound very … involved. 😉

    Okay. I’ll do my answers now. Here we go:

    In the city/town/burg/hamlet where you live:

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    We have Ralphs, Vons, Albertsons. I like the Vons near me because it just had a makeover and it’s all purty. So purtiness is the reason.

    2) Do you have Target stores?

    Thank the Lord above, YES!! Very close. Like, 5-10 minutes.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    Like 10? And — NO! How can you ask that question? You are sick. Sickysicksick.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    One big one right down in the valley.

    5) What is the price of gas right now?

    I knew I’d have you all beat on this. It is 3.51 a gallon. Gross.

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    Chevy’s is popular — Mexican food. And yeah, I go there. But you gotta remember, I live in Southern California. Mexican food places are on every corner: Alberto’s. Aiberto’s. Roberto’s. Royberto’s. Kyleberto’s. Whatevs. It’s easy to get burnt out on them.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    I can’t believe you asked this question, either, you masochist. Yes, the stupid Chargers are here — maybe not for long — and, well, we’ll see if I still root for them. I was heartbroken this last season. Oh, and the Padres. We have them too. The little Friars. Which has always struck me as so very weird that I’ve never been able to embrace them. Their logo used to be a chubby monk swinging a bat. Just weeeird.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    Uhm, YES! Why do you think you asked this question?? Everywhere. All the time. Men and women. Women in men’s pajamas. Gay men in women’s pajamas. It’s a madmadmadmad world, I tell ya.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    Yes, I think it’s called Boheme. No, really, it’s called Hillcrest.

    10) What is the latest “thing” that everyone is talking about?

    Today, it was the Queen’s White House visit and Dubya’s verbal blunder. Generally, it’s these new tennis shoes called MBTs. Um, I kinda want a pair. They say it’s like walking on the beach.

  13. Lisa — HAHA! All pissed off at Applebee’s.

    You know, just their name makes me wanna punch someone. I can’t even explain it. Like it’s so freakin’ cozy and homey. Like it’s Ma and Pa in the kitchen there, making you some nice piiie. There’s no Ma. There’s no Pa. There’s just a pear walnut salad with gorgonzola and balsamic vinagrette, like evvvveryplace else.

    Please shut up, Applebee’s. And booo-bye.

  14. 1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?
    Giant and ACME. I shop at Giant b/c the produce seems to be fresher and last longer…also b/c I like the ladies at the Deli counter and checkout 🙂

    2) Do you have Target stores? I’m sure there is one within a 30-50 mile radius of me but I’m not sure where exactly it is…

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me? 0 and violence against them won’t solve anything 🙂

    4) Do you have Ikea stores? Not near me Thank goodness!

    5) What is the price of gas right now? $2.95

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there? Pat’s Pizzeria. Pizza, Pasta, sandwiches and appetizers. It’s my families favorite restaurant for SN after church.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    I root for the White Sox and the Bears. The teams closest to me would be the Phillies and the Jets…I don’t root for them…

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public? No

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called? Not as far as I know…but I’m kinda in the boondocks…

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about? The Dix Six since they are “homegrown” terrorists…even though at least half are illegal aliens!!!

  15. Aha, Nightfly remembered ShopRite–how could I forget? My dad is addicted to it and he doesn’t even do my parents’ household shopping!

    Tracey–Wawa is a Pennsylvania-based dairy and convenience store chain found in (I believe) Eastern PA, Central/Southern NJ, Northern MD and DE. Some sell gas and some don’t but all have milk, ice cream, sandwiches, newspapers, coffee and all other necessities (which are overpriced but why buy them there). It’s like a really clean 7-Eleven where the guy behind the counter isn’t undressing you with his eyes. My co-worker loves their coffee too but she likes making it at home and grinding the beans–they sell only ground.

    Let me guess–does Vons have lots of wood trim and/or wood floors in the produce department now? That’s what they did to the Safeway-Genuardi’s.

  16. Also, I felt I didn’t accurately describe the number of chains in my area–huge. Pretty much everything but BBQ-related. We have the largest mall on the East Coast, for starters, so there’s a lot right there, and that’s 15-20 min. from Philadelphia proper.

  17. In the city/town/burg/hamlet where you live:

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    Safeway, Albertsons. Whole foods. Wouldn’t say I actually like any of them; shop in all of them because otherwise I’d starve.

    2) Do you have Target stores?


    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?

    Personally? Maybe two (I don’t drink coffee). Nope, sorry, no bombs.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    If so, I have no idea where.

    5) What is the price of gas right now?

    Between $3.40 and $3.60 [Wa-a-a-a 🙁 ]

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?

    Popular? Hm-m-m. Chevy’s, maybe. I rarely go to chain restaurants around here, because we have so many good places that aren’t chains. (I live in California, and way what you will about California, you can get good food almost anywhere.)

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?

    Don’t do team sports. Not even vicariously.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?

    Never have. Is it an East US thing?

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?

    I live in California. . .

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?

    I’m too old to know from “things”, and a nerd to boot. Your guess would be better than mine.

  18. HI,
    so here’s you’re first answer from Europe, I think. I’ll beat everyone at gas prices!

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?

    Aldi, Lidl, Penny

  19. I LOATHE Applebee’s and will not eat there, because of something that happened to me:

    I am a single woman and frequently when I eat out, I am eating alone. You would think, in the 21st century, that would not be some kind of anomaly, but to the good folks at the Applebee’s (the one in the city 1/2 hour away from me), apparently it is.

    I showed up, slightly after midday, on a Tuesday (I had had some meetings down in the city and was stopping for lunch on the way home. It was like 1:30. The restaurant was NOT busy).

    I waited for about 5 minutes at the “We will seat you” sign while the girl in charge of seating people chatted with a friend. I stood there, shifting my weight from foot to foot, wondering if it would be better at that point to bail and go to the Red Lobster across the street (it probably would have).

    Finally, girl sees me, walks over, and says, “Are you waiting for someone?”

    Um, no. My entire body language, the fact that I’m not looking out the door, the fact that I’m getting impatient, should answer that question.

    But I say, “No”
    She says: “Ohhhhh…just you, then?”

    Um – what does “no” in response to “are you waiting for someone mean?”

    (I know, her question sounds innocuous “on paper” but she said it with this HORRIBLE PITYING TONE like “you mean, you don’t have ANY friends?”)

    So she seats me.

    And I sit and wait again.

    I’ve decided on what I want.

    And I wait
    And I wait.
    And about 10 minutes elapse and I’m just about to get up and leave – and just drive home without lunch, I’m that ticked – when the waitress (who was, again, chatting with a co-worker) meanders over and says “Is something wrong?”

    And I say, “Yeah – no one’s waiting on me. I’ve been sitting here for like 10 minutes and no one’s even asked me what I want to drink.”

    “Oh” she said “I thought you were waiting for someone else.”

    And she walked off.

    That is the point where my head exploded. Which is why I will never eat at Applebee’s again – any Applebee’s, anywhere, even if my only other food choice is something out of a vending machine. I’ll happily eat Andy Capp’s Hot Fries out of a foil baggie, washed down with Orangette, before I will darken the door of that evil establishment.

    (Yeah, yeah, I know – I should have written to Corporate and complained. But all they would have done would have been to send me a gift certificate for a free meal [and probably “free meal if you buy another meal!” one] and I knew at that point I was never eating at Applebee’s, whether it was free or not.)

  20. In the city/town/burg/hamlet where you live:

    1) What is/are the major grocery store(s) and which one do you like? Why, please?
    Shop-Rite, Pathmark, A&P, Whole Foods. I go to Shop-RIte, because it is closest to my house. 🙂

    2) Do you have Target stores?
    Certainly. Two less than 15 mins from me.

    3) How many Starbucks have you personally visited (guesstimates okay) and will you blow them up for me?
    I’ve visited only one; and I got over it real quick. I WOULD blow it up, but many of my friends go there, so…….sowee.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores?

    5) What is the price of gas right now?
    $2.99 – $3.15

    6) What is a popular chain restaurant, what kind of food do they serve, and do you go there?
    Many chains around here; I like the ones that aren’t mega-global. Like Checkers and On The Border. Burgers and Mexican fare, respectively. I love Checkers. OTB is ehhhhhh.

    7) If you don’t have professional sports teams, what city’s teams are geographically closest to you and do you root for them?
    New York Yankees and New York Giants. Yes and usually.

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public?
    Not that I’ve seen, but my eyes are looking for it now. What is it with people today? Are 20-somethings that bored?

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called?
    Greenwich Village

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about?
    How it looks like Ahnold the Governator is going to pardon Paris.

  21. Amen, ricki. Applebees must die. Undercooked or overcooked, overpriced, undertasty, slap-dash food served by mouthbreathers with less than shabby ambiance. NOT GOOD EATS.

  22. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I totally heart you guys for boo-byeing Applebee’s. That kills me. And Kate’s description of Wawa is perfect, and priceless. Wawa also has terrific radio commercials, which I know means diddly/squat when it comes to quality of service and product, but I like that someone cares enough to work hard at the marketing.

    I can’t believe I forgot Red Lobster and Ruby Tuesdays. And TGIF’s, criminy. They’re EVERYWHERE.

    And there’s Friendly’s, which you don’t have in the mighty NW – a family chain, specializing in sandwiches and sundaes. The sundaes are faboo, the food… well, much improved, and they’ve added some interesting entrees to the mix. Really, there’s no reason to think about or even look at AB’s. BOO BYE.

  23. ooooohhhh, Friendly’s!

    Where I grew up there were Friendly’s. The food, as I remember it, wasn’t so hot, but the sundaes were FAN-freaking-TASTIC.

    I am still carrying around fat I acquired from eating Friendly’s sundaes.

    (Do they still make that one – it had peanut butter and hot fudge on it, I think it was the Reece’s Pieces sundae?)

  24. Yeah, Ricki, they still have it although I think now there’s a smaller version of it. It was enough for 4 people before.

    We love the Friendly’s by my parents’ (we do brunch after Mass every once in a while) but HATE the one near me. Ever since Hershey’s sold them off they’re kind of inconsistent.

    Our fave breakfast is the “Big Two-Do” (so called b/c it’s 2 eggs any style plus toast or pancakes or french toast). If you want home fries (and I always do) it’s called the “Super Big Two-Do”–unless you’re my mom, who calls it the “Whoop-De-Do.” Thankfully not in the presence of any servers. 🙂

  25. Oh my, yes, Ricki. You can get it with a PB Cup as well.

    My best waitering story came from Friendly’s, back around 12 or so years ago. I waited on a party visiting from England. They were a good table, we built a good rapport, and they decided to stick around for dessert. Alas, one ordered a “Royal Banana Split” (actual menu item) and in horror, I heard my LOUD ITALIAN VOICE saying, “Oh, the Charles and Di Special.”

    There wasn’t a hole small enough in this world that I couldn’t have fit into. Luckily they laughed, and I still have the 1948 shilling they put in with my (generous) tip – along with a note that read “Please be careful poking fun at the royals.” (You could hear the wryness in the handwriting.)

  26. What? What?!? There’s a place that makes sandwiches AND sundaes?? Called Friendly’s?

    I’m literally getting upset that we do not have these.

    Man, So. Cal just sucks.

  27. LOL, Tracey, sometimes I think PA sucks when my friend who moved to Orange County calls me from his backyard and tells me how nice the weather is ALL. THE. TIME.

    Interestingly enough, my mom’s family moved around a lot but there are 2 places she lived as a kid that she would move back to if they’re still anywhere as nice: Spring Lake, NJ and San Diego, CA. I really should see both of those.

  28. 1) The major stores are Food Lion and Farm Fresh. We shop at the commissary, but the fancy new Farm Fresh has great cheese (and an enire AISLE devoted to salt) so we like to go there occasionally just to gape at all that salt.

    2) Yes, we have a Target.

    3) We have 3 Starbucks nearby. Sadly, we have no Boheme equivalent … everything here is a chain.

    4) Do you have Ikea stores? Sadly, no.

    5) What is the price of gas right now? $3.00?

    6) Everything here is a chain. It is rare to find privately owned, independent shops and/or restaurants. Cracker Barrel is a popular restuarant, serving southern food, and yes, we eat there sometimes. Biscuits and gravy = crack.

    7) No professional sports teams here. The closest would be Washington Nationals and Redskins, and Baltimore Orioles. College Sports are big here (Virginia Tech, U of VA). We still root for the Padres!

    8) Do you see lots of 20-somethings wearing pajama bottoms as pants, you know, in public? Unfortunately, yes.

    9) Do you have a neighborhood that is known as the gay neighborhood? What is it called? Not specifically where I live. There is a neighborhood in Norfolk called Ghent that might be considered the gay neighborhood. I think it’s cool … lots of arty shops.

    10) What is the latest thing that everyone is talking about? It’s summer. They aren’t talking about anything.

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