piper’s mom

A couple of my favorite pictures of my older sister, S.

My dad’s inscription on the back of this one: “(My mom) made herself a mohair jacket and with the leftover material, she made this one for S and trimmed it with rabbit fur.”

(Good job on all those details, dad. I’m impressed.)

I’m between giggles and tears on this one; it’s just precious to me. She’s the perfect little girl in her perfect party dress:


No in-between on this one. Just flat-out hysterics. Mom had this hair dryer from the Middle Ages or something that she used to torture our hair to girlie perfection. From a practical standpoint, I do believe it was also a vacuum cleaner.

It always seemed so rickety to me, with that huge hose flopping around aimlessly. But, man, once it was plugged in, that thing roared like an airplane engine, sucking your entire head into that blistering floral bag. As a bonus — I think mainly to keep us calm about our brains being sucked away — mom would always make us some nice Jiffy Pop. Which is a hilarious parallel image, if you think about it. Look at S’s face. She’s deaf at this moment, of course, from the din of the hair vacuum. And look at the droop of the bag at the bottom, as if her brain’s just plopped out into it. Hahahaha — I can’t write anymore. I’m dying, looking at this.


12 Replies to “piper’s mom”

  1. For my wedding my hairdresser couldn’t get the big, jumbo, professional setter-dryer into the hotel room so she brought one of those little, astronaut-helmet, vacuum-dryer thingies. The pictures are almost as hysterical. YES, THEY STILL SELL THEM.

    And props to your Ma-Mah. That outfit looks like it took some doin’.

  2. I thought it was a combination hair dryer and popcorn maker. I thought maybe the sagging wasn’t because of her brain (which was a hilarious comment,btw) but because she was popping popcorn in there.

    Although you’d have to wash your hair all over again after that.

    Eau de Jiffy doesn’t bid well.

  3. Agh! The dread scratchy petticoat!

    Seriously, she looks like a dear little Pierrot in her black and white jacket and party hat.

    Flashback! flashback! In the 1964 World Book Yearbook, there was a drawing of what Man might eventually evolve into in, oh, say, 50,000 years or so.
    Looked just like that, dead eyes and all.
    Though their spinal cord was INSIDE, instead of flopping about outside.

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