just when I thought I wasn’t special

My friend Greg at What Attitude Problem had this just-for-fun quiz up the other day: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Are You? Apparently, in this Other Realm I am not even female — nope. I am Luke Skywalker — son of that evil, heavy breather with the unfortunate head gear who wants to destroy the universe. But wait. Don’t I attack and try to kill him? (But then don’t do it because I’m so thoroughly noble that I don’t want to give in to the hate, etc.?) Hmmmm …. feeling a little better.

After all, this definitive, life-altering quiz does say of Me-Luke:

Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.

And then, this telling quote from Me-Luke:

“It’s your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.”

(Oh, yeahhh. Someone throw me a light saber ….)

Update: Now I’m shamelessly stealing something else from dear Greg (who got it from Boar’s Head Tavern.) It’s another quiz (Hey, I’m sorry. I’m still malaisey): Worldview Center’s Christian Worldview Test. Go to that page, scroll to the bottom where you have to “register” (as your Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character, of course) in order to take the test.

I agree with Greg; some of the questions are a wee scary — and seemingly out of place. (Well, one in particular, but I won’t give it away. Take the test and tell me which one strikes you that way.)

I scored — as did Greg — as “Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker.” Good for me, I guess? But as a commenter over at Boar’s Head Tavern said, “Is this test inerrant?” As I took it, I felt like I knew what answers were expected of me to get the “highest score.” Ah, old habits truly die hard.

We may have the “proper worldview,” but how is that translating over into our lives — how we live, how we love Jesus, how we love one another …. our lifeview ….

(This Just In: MB is YODA. Drat that man! How long’s he gonna hold that over my lame li’l Luke Skywalker head? Stupid quiz.)

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