no hype?

So John Kerry said today we mustn’t overhype the Iraqi elections. Well, I guess he’s right. I mean, really, what’s to hype?

Just because it was the first free election held there in over 50 years. Just because more than half the registered Iraqi voters threw caution to the wind, risked their lives, for the privilege to vote. Just because men and women, old and barely able to move, doggedly trudged to the polls for the sake of freedom. Just because courageous throngs chose to wait, not just patiently but joyously, in long lines for this precious opportunity. Just because decades of oppression were pried off by millions of determined, ink-dipped fingers. You’re right, Mr. Kerry. Let’s not get too excited. After all, it is just a chance for democracy, a possibility of freedom, a shot at hope.

No, a free country is not guaranteed to the people of Iraq . Just as it was no guarantee years ago for those brave men who stood, resolute, before the Declaration of Independence, pledging their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor. It has to start somewhere, Mr. Kerry. And providentially, here we are, so many years later, free and …. blase? ungrateful?

Because I’m confused, Mr. Kerry. If you can so disparage the process of free elections, then why were you such a willing candidate in ours? If the possibility of the birth of a free country doesn’t thrill you, take your breath away, then why did you so desperately want to be president of ours?

Well, I thank you, Mr. Kerry, for reminding me yet again why I never for a moment considered voting for you.

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