realizing i’m posting these mostly for sheila ……

(Apologies to anyone who may find these tedious. I’m being very theatre-y.)

More from “The Fantasticks”:

Soon It’s Gonna Rain ……

Soon it’s gonna rain
I can feel it
Soon it’s gonna rain
I can tell
Soon it’s gonna rain
What’ll we do with you?

1) Matt and Luisa waltz and sing in honor of ….. love and impending rain, I guess. Because they’re in love so who cares about rain?

This photo is still in the theatre department’s “Hall of Fame” (so to speak). Still hanging, so that makes me happy. I’ve always thought it was a very sweet photo. My leading man here recently wrote a musical for the Seattle Children’s Theatre. Very talented fellow.


2) Still singing and dancing. Uhm, I am mixed about this next photo. Wanna know why? The reason is petty and shallow. It really is.

Okay. Here goes: My elbows. The dimples in my elbows, which my mom always told me to cover, are glowing neon to me in this photo. That was part of why I hated this costume. It showed my apocalyptic elbow dimples. Retarded, yes, but there it is.


Soon it’s gonna rain
Pool in your elbows
Soon it’s gonna rain
Good luck with that
Soon it’s gonna rain
Let’s get you some nice sand bags

5 Replies to “realizing i’m posting these mostly for sheila ……”

  1. He really is adorable! I love that first photo. There’s an earnestness in that romance in the play that is just … ack, it’s so poignant and bittersweet.

    The play really shouldn’t work as well as it does. It should be so saccharine. But it’s just all heartachey and everything.

  2. sheila — I know what you mean about the show. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It shouldn’t work — although I really like most of the music — but it DOES. It leaves you teary in the end. There’s something to the simplicity, the sparse-nses, maybe, that helps facilitate that.

  3. I was in this show in high school. Because there were more girls than boys in the Drama Club – the two fathers were suddenly two mothers – and I played the old Shakespearean dude with the sidekick who stages the rape. I had a blast. I wore a long white torn ballgown, a tiara, Hi-top sneakers and I wielded a sword. I should find a picture and post it. Seeing as we’re having a Fantasticks love fest.

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