what about the girls?

I was up for my day at Disneyland for Piper’s birthday in September, when she came up to me, sat in my lap, and said, “Tee Tee, so, what about your girls?”

“My girls?”

“Yeah. You know, the girls you make. Did you bring any with you?”

“Uhm …. well … there might be a couple in my bag. Why?”

“Oh, I just want to see them is all.”

“Oh, okay.”


Then she smiled at me and gave me a big long Piper hug.

I was a puddle.

And, sure enough, later on, she took “the girls” out of my bag, oohing and ahhing at each one, making very specific comments to me about all of them.

I’m telling you, the kid has the gift of encouragement, an uncanny sense of what people need to hear and precisely when they need to hear it. It’s a spiritual gift. A sense she has that is nothing but otherly and divine. It’s part of her, but it’s otherly. I don’t know how else to say it.

And you know what, pippa?

That’s God.

THAT is God.

4 Replies to “what about the girls?”

  1. yes, tracey, that is most certainly a touch of the Master’s hand. God bless her and you. you know, i’ve got 10 grandchildren and i held them all at birth or very soon after. and i prayed for them and thanked God for them. something, i don’t really know what, happened when i held one of my granddaughters. i swear with everything in me that as i was praying for her, and she was just a newborn infant, she looked into my eyes and held that gaze for the longest time. i guess the word you use ….. otherly….can describe it. in my mind i know she couldn’t understand me, but God was SURELY in that moment. i don’t know what transpired, but i know that i know He was in that moment. there is just something about that girl. she is the sweetest of sweet. i can replay that moment in my mind with astounding clarity and it was 10 years ago.

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