stealing a moment

The Banshees are asleep for good — fingers crossed — and I’m reading Wuthering Heights, a book I tried to read years ago, didn’t ever finish, so I’m giving it another go.

And, you know, I really feel compelled to say:

Heathcliff? Cathy? Uhm, please calm down, ‘mkay, peaches?

7 Replies to “stealing a moment”

  1. I always hated that book. I majored in English Lit in college and just could not bring myself to find anything redeeming in it, even though I tried. I need to be able to find a handle, anything, to hang onto in a story. I hated everyone in the story, which made me not “root” for anyone, which just pretty much ruins it for me.

    Anna Karenina, on the other hand, is one of my very favorite books. I get her, I really do. Cathy? Not so much.

  2. Yeah, good luck. I read it earlier this year, and I was compelled to read the whole thing, interesting and all, but… well, let’s discuss when you’re done.

  3. Guilty confession. I’ve never read it. I know. I’m going to be run out of town or something. I just never could bring myself to sit down with it.

    Oh, and I’m “back” Tracey. Trepidatious, but back. Wish me luck. Thanks for the support of late. Hugs!

  4. Wuthering Heights was required reading for British Lit in our ALL BOYS high school in New Orleans. I got a decent grade on my report but keep that to yourslf, please. As someone said on West Wing, “If I was stranded on a desert island, I would eat that book before I read it.” 🙂

  5. Oh, happy reading to you. I read it one summer on my own, out of curiosity. As in, “Why did everybody else have to read this in high school?” I am interested in your thoughts post-read.

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