“it’s the last midnight ….”

Our last night in our home of five years. Movers come tomorrow and we have to be out out by Thursday.

As in meet with Jersey Boy and give back our keys. Ugh. I vote that MB do that.

And I second the motion.

So the movers — tomorrow morning. We’ve been moving miscellaneous items into our new place for the last three weeks so all they’ll really have to do is move furniture.

And, frankly, there are things we’re just … leaving behind.

The place will be basically clean — I mean, I washed the tub earlier, wha?? — but there’s just stuff I don’t want, don’t want to move, and don’t have the energy to take to Goodwill. Normally, I’d be better about that, but I’m a little unmotivated at the moment. We’re not trashing anything; I’d never do that and don’t understand the people who do, but I just don’t have the heart to do more in terms of getting rid of things. I’ve bagged up some clothes to give away, but that’s that. So I suck. Whatevs. The bank has told us anything left behind is considered “forfeit” and they do … I don’t know … whatever they will with those things. I guess it’s just this: While I may no longer want these things, I just could not bring myself to get rid of them proactively. Everything already feels a little too proactive, you know?

So …..

It’s the last midnight
It’s the last wish
It’s the last midnight
Soon it will be boom-squish

Well, hopefully, not the boom-squish part, but I never have any confidence in movers.

It’s all a bit numbingly surreal and I mostly pray that I do not sob in front of total strangers tomorrow.

Gah. If that happens, I think I’ll be longing for the boom-squish.

10 Replies to ““it’s the last midnight ….””

  1. I am also with you in spirit and pulling for you and MB.

    And don’t feel too bad about abandoning stuff. There are people whose job it is to deal with that. So you’re helping someone make a living. (Making lemonade, making lemonade…)

  2. I wish I had words to help, but unfortunately I don’t. Hopefully knowing there are people out there who are very sorry for what you’re going through, and who thinking of you this very minute, and sending prayers your way…well, hopefully that brings the tiniest measure of comfort. I wish it could be more.

  3. This sucks for you. I can’t even imagine it.

    But I am thanking God that you and MB have each other’s hands to hold tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.

    Hang in there, there are a LOT of people who love you and would do anything for you.

  4. I’m late to this post, Tracey, but want you to know I care very much about you and MB.
    You are regularly in my prayers.

    I liked what Katie said, that you have “each other’s hands to hold tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.” This is what makes it bearable, yes?

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