mixed (coffee) media journal

So …. during a slow summer afternoon last week at Boheme, I did this to the back of one of my writing journals — you know those composition books that are all black and white and marbly-looking? Yeah, it’s one of those:


I challenged myself to use only what was on hand at the coffeehouse — paper bags, coffee filters, register tape, newspapers, food coloring, coffee for dyeing papers. Oh, and glue. Yes, I keep a glue stick in one of the drawers. Then I gave myself half an hour, just creating what came out of my fingertips first, raw, wrinkly, whatever.

So. Hahaha. There it is. A mixed-media rough draft of sorts.

8 Replies to “mixed (coffee) media journal”

  1. Nice job! i love the muted colors and the grey of the newsprint mixed together.
    I borrowed the copy of “Cloth, Paper, Scissors” magazine I gave my daughter- way too much creativity out there!

    Challenges are so great. My own secret new one is to costume “Charlotte’s Web” using only material we already have on hand/leftovers, recycled things from other productions,and thrift store items. Any new fabrics must be either remnants or under $2 yd.

  2. Way cool. It’s amazing the things you can create with limitations. It’s almost like your brain is daring you to be more creative. You could sell that and make a pretty penny, T.

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